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Manu2015 profile image
20 Replies

Hello all I've got a question if anyone can help me answer it does taking paracetamol plus with caffeine in it or drinking anything with caffeine in it make the symptoms for fibro come on and make it worse cos I've took paracetamol plus yetday and also and it's made me feel funny so I stopped taking them would really appreciate the help matthew

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Manu2015 profile image
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20 Replies
magicmo profile image

Sounds like you're having to much caffeine with the caffeine in with the paracetamol and in your coffee. Try decaff.

lou1065 profile image

Caffeine is said to make pain relief meds work more efficiently but as a stimulant I avoid it xx

Angel-wings profile image

Hi Iam on Esa and dla can anyone help me with a performance management assessment from dwp I have got a lot of problems regarding my health and also been treated for fibromyalgia only 25 to can anyone help who's heard or had one do I need to worry about this or not thank you x

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Angel-wings

Hello Angel-wings,

I see you mention your benefits and you have some concerns, please can I ask you use the following contact form or benefits helpline ( Mon - Fri 10am - 12 noon) to discuss all your benefit queries.

Here is the link to the Fibromyalgia Action UK website;


Hope this helps :)

Emma :)

Community Co-ordinator

TheAuthor profile image

It does sound like a lot of caffeine? Please take care not to overdo that?

All my hopes and dreams for you


fenbadger profile image

It shouldn't make things worse but look at your caffeine intake generally. You can overdose on it. Do you drink lots of coffee? or drinks like red bull, dr pepper, and many more. So called energy drinks actually have caffeine as a stimulant. There's no real energy boost except the sugar rush 'cos they're also so sweet.

achydunlin profile image

You might be over-sensitive to caffeine? I find caffeine helps my symptoms and my daughter jokes that if I miss my elevenses I'm intolerable - I can't function unless I've had my morning cuppa, 11 o'clock and then lunch-time one. I don't do caffeine in any form though after that and I don't drink cola or take paracetomol with caffeine. Too much gives me headache. Its not a good idea to take these tablets and have drinks with caffeine in them as well. I would cut back a bit and see if you feel better. As fenbadger above says it's surprising how many energy drinks etc have caffeine in them.

Fibroman profile image

I have always found caffeine makes pain worse. It triggers a flair up some times. I do love a Mocha Latte but I try not to have too much caffeine. My doctor also told me to avoid caffeine. We all react differently to stimulants , but the one common factor I have found with Fibro is poor quality of sleep. The better quality sleep i get the lower my pain levels.

Try avoiding it completely for a few days and see how you feel. I tried caffeine and glucose to help with my fatigue but all they did was make me fat and have more migraines.

Manu2015 profile image

Hello everyone that replyed to my question last night that I asked about does caffeine make my fibro worse I really appreciate everyone's advice I've taken it all into consideration and I'm gonna speak to my doc about it cos it does seem to me like caffeine is making me feel worse thank u all this really is a great site matthew

Mrs_allen profile image

You should avoid caffeine if you have fibro, as keep you awake harder to sleep which increases pain

pjs_53 profile image

to add to (fenbagger) just drinking soda and red bulls can be VERY toxic to the body...don't get me wrong, I have about 3 cups of coffe in morning, but, I don't drink soda HARDLY EVER! or a lot of things out of a can or box. the Ingredient MSG in boxed and canned have MSG, and I hear it has headache reaction. so I try to do my best/UTMOST to stay away from them. I love chocolate too and try to stay away from it, if I want to treat myself...It usually is dark choc. choc. caffeine you have to think about too, drink a lot of water, good detoxifier.

BaffledKaffy profile image
BaffledKaffy in reply to pjs_53

I've been *told* my huge love ~ CHOCOLATE! ~ has more caffeine than even coffee or tea ... s i g h !?! But chocolate, especially DARK!, does have at least one other "redeeming quality" that's good for us!

pjs_53 profile image

add to (fibroman) process of elimination is the trick too, I agree. I do feel it has a lot to do w/ diet. and fast foods joints...back away from the cheeseburgers and fries lol.

Manu2015 profile image

Hello all I've have a chat with my doc and he has told me to cut out all aspartame all caffeine cut down on sugar he said if poss have natural sugars and he said avoid prepackaged food he said eating fruit would help

BaffledKaffy profile image
BaffledKaffy in reply to Manu2015

I've just about weaned myself from aspartame in drinks, etc. , noting from a friend who's a Professional Nutritionist that it can contribute to depression, among other things. I've observed that a few soft drinks here in the 'States have started using sucralose, so those are one choice. It's been tough but mostly, I've switched to fruit (only) flavored water!

I still have my morning coffee (2 cups black, as good for me as possible!) ...'cos a girl needs at least one vice, I'd say!

Manu2015 profile image
Manu2015 in reply to BaffledKaffy

Hello baffledkaffy thanks for the advice I've started eating strawberries and I'm going to eat bananas aswell before bed to see if that helps as advice from vicster52 on here and I may also start to drink fizzy pop with sucralose and I will let u know how I get on thanks matthew

Vicster52 profile image

Hi, banana's are good for your pain, try eating 1 before bed(they help me) At the pain clinic I went to for 13 wks said, coffee n cola are the worst things you can drink. An example;.. A lady that attended, was addicted to cola, she was in soo much pain n cud hardly move.xx

Manu2015 profile image

Hello vicster52 thanks for the advice I will take it on board it's not so much cola I was drinking but Pepsi max which has aspartame in it which was doing me no gd so after speaking to my doc I'm gonna cut out all aspartame caffeine msg and prepackaged food also I've going to cut down on the amount of cheese I eat cos I eat far too much Thank u matthew

Manu2015 profile image

Hello everyone my fibro is as wrose nw as it was when my doc told I had it just over 5 years he says it should ease but last time I got like this I ended up having a break down I'm worried it will happen again and wrose than that I'm worried my eplisply will come bk and with fibro I think that will make things even wrose what should I do

Manu2015 profile image

Hello everyone I'm in the process of changing my diet cos the food I have been eating has been making the symptoms of my fibro wrose

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