Since Christmas I have had the flu, a stomach bug and have just got over a bad cold. Unfortunately, since then I have had constant post nasal drip down the back of my throat. The nights are the worse as want to sleep but need to stay propped up otherwise I am coughing/constantly swallowing from the mucus that pools at the back of my throat. This does not help the fibro as my neck/sides ache more because of the propped up position. My poor husband has also been sleeping in the spare bed for the last two weeks just to get some decent shut eye. Also, the last few days I have partially lost my voice as the vocal chords have been irritated by the mucus. No infection as my temperature is ok.
Where I live there are many silver birch/fir trees which greatly affect my tree pollen allergy which kicks in about this time. So not sure if its my tree allergy or after affects from the various viruses. I am taking antihistamines, massaging my sinus areas on my face, drinking plenty of fluids (not alcohol/caffeine/tea, plus I do not smoke) and gargling with salty water. The only medication I take these days is nightly paracetamol.
Of course, I cannot get to see a GP for another 10 days - yay! I think I will make an appointment to see my acupuncturist as he normally eases the pollen allergy.
PLEASE, has anyone on the forum any thoughts or ideas - or just some reassurance that they are in the same boat(: