Hi morning to everyone just wanted to know if anyone else has gone for a pip medical? Got mine today that's if I can get these bones moving.
Pip: Hi morning to everyone just wanted... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

If you haven't been yet, good luck. If you have been, how did it go? I hope it went well for you 😀
Hi was horrible, it was in a large building after what seemed a massive walk just to get inside then another long walk to pip bit,then when called the room was the furthest down long corridor. He started on about my cancer and was I cured try to explain that I was there for my fibromyalgia and they won't say I'm cured but in remission.I was sitting there in server pain as couldn't take my tramadol as it makes me sleepy,he then asked me what the doctor was doing to cure my fibromyalgia.at this point my husband who had sat there holding his temper,asked do you know anything about fibromyalgia? The doctor replied yes and my husband then firmly said u can't as u would understand how much pain she's in and there isn't a cure.then I couldn't remember something husband went to help doctor got really angry,don't talk at same time, like we were back at school.every time I said something he tried twisting it. After a few silly tests and 80mins later I was free to go I was really upset in side and now sitting here exhausted!! Don't think I will be getting my pip another worry. It's ok doctors saying don't worry about anything they don't have to go through this feeling really low now.oh here I am moaning, have you got to have a pip meeting? If so I probably just hit a bad one can't all b like that.😥
Sorry you had such a horrible time. There are some miserable, insensitive so called health care professionals out there, whom are only doing the assessments to get their Big Brucey Bonuses... They sicken me! If you don't get a yes, appeal it.. Get help with the appeal, you deserve it. But I really hope he will be fair to you and gives you a yes xx
So sorry to hear you were treated this way. I would write everything down while its fresh in your mind. I would wait until the outcome of the visit and if not satisfactory put in a complaint about this Doctor. He is completely incompetent if he thinks there is a cure for Fibromyalgia or if he has a secret cure now would be a good time to share!
Best wishes
It is and they have made it that way, remember it's only the last battle you have to win. Stick close together and try not to worry. There are some lovely people on here to chat to, we're all in the same boat
Best wishes to you both
I have not been through anything of this nature, but I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best f luck with yours.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi i had my assessment last Monday and lady was really nice, or so i thought, i received copy of report yesterday and it looks like i sent a substitute in for assessment as what I'm reading can't be me.
All meds r wrong dosage, and i gave her medical report from doc with all listed !, she contradicts herself by saying I looked well......but then said looks drawn, pale, tired, depressed exhausted , frustrated, has tremors.
and it says walked with stick about 10 metres to assessment room .....but must had had extension by time I got out as it then doubled on way out to 20 metres .......god help us.
Hi I don't know why they put us through this, when they take no notice of medical letters etc.mine didn't want to see anything only my tablets,then he took one look at the tramadol and said if you are in so much pain why are you only on tramadol. And what was pregabalin for,went to explain but he just waved his arms.my husband said he wanted to say something but after being told to be quite thought best not to.you said you got a copy of the medical report does everyone get this? Let me know how you get on,and I will keep my fingers crossed, well would if wrists didn't hurt so much lol tracex
Good luck...i hate feeling under this much anxiety it brings on my asthma. ..