I'm having a flare due to stress, aching every wear, feel exhausted but can't sleep. Pain is bad and all the usual pain relief isn't touching it. All because of work! Asked my manager to reduce my hours from 30 a week to 25 as it was getting too much, they refused. Refused to refer me to occupational health until I gave them access to my medical records. So I put in a grievance last Friday, on Tuesday my manager said he would fully investigate it and get back to me in 7 days. On Thursday I had a letter ordering me to a meeting yesterday, was not long enough for me yo get representation, and he refused to postpone. Went to the meeting and he has sacked me!
I'm so down as I loved my job there and the people I worked with were brill, I'm in limbo now. So fed up. Been told not to let it get to me but how can I ?