Ohhhhhhhhh it's hurting everywhere!!!! Sorry to moan I'm sure your all hurting as well. Just needed to vent as nobody else understands. X
:-( ouch: Ohhhhhhhhh it's hurting... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
:-( ouch

Vent away Keeleybee sometimes we just need to say it like it is and somehow it can make us feel better. These sort of days are terrible as you can have 5 different sorts of pains in different parts of the body and when they all join up in unison it can get oo much.
Hope the pain dampens down a bit and that you can get a good nights sleep. Gentle hugs wending their way to you.xxxxx
Hey rosewine your so right! Someone asked me today what it feels like I replied 'you ever had proper flu and you hurt to even move?' they of course said yes I said 'well it's like that every single day, and you get shooting pains as well, andddddd you can't walk properly somedays and I'm so tired like I have a newborn' LOL her face was a picture! I'm sure she didn't completely believe because of course I look fine
Thanks for replying just need to be said out loud to someone who understands me.
I'm going to try and sleep, fingers crossed I do.
Hope your ok? X
Yes keeleybee that is exactly how I have tried to explain it e.g. remember when you last had the proper flu when even your little toe hurt well that is what it can be like and you can sometimes double the pain and fatigue and yes people look at your as though you are exaggerating.
Sorry to read your second post and that you have been having this prolonged flare. Have you been back to have your meds checked out and perhaps see if you can have a referral to a Pain Clinic if you haven;t had one already?
They were playing around with my med's in February but they felt like I was on nothing at all so iv gone back onto amitriptyline as its the only one that seems to help me but amitriptyline seems to stop working after a while... So I'm speaking to my gp Wednesday and may ask for a strong pain killer as I take cocodamol at the moment. I think pain clinic will be on the card's soon tho.
My toes hurt now and my fingers so you have the description down to a t LOL
I don't know what the waiting list is like in your area but it took me 6 months to get to see someone in our area and it was only because I was prepared to go anywhere in the area rather than my nearest hospital or it would have been 9 months!. I would enquire soon if I was you just in cast it is the same your way.x
Ohhh didn't realise it could be such a wait, maybe I will push for it then. Was it useful at the pain clinic? X
Yes in some ways as they confirmed that the doctor had put me on what they considered was the correct drug initially. They also suggested some others painkillers and antidepressants which unfortunately haven;t suited me. They also suggested that when I was referred to a physio for help with the pain in my hip i ask for hydrothereapy which was great but because of funding I could only have 6 sessions. They also give me electroacupuncture every 4 months. In some areas they have a multi disciplinary team that can offer a variety of treatments so worth being referred to see what is on offer.x
Hope you feel some relief soon xx
Yeah i know how you feel, vent away. Sending you gentle hugs x
No not as yet just recently had this problem so just at beginning of the investigation to see what is wrong I have good n bad day today being bad so at the moment have to cope with paracetamol which dosnt touch the pain but yesterday was a good day and who knows what tomorrow will bring pain free or bare able for both of us I hope xx
Oh no.... Didn't the doctor give you anything stronger? You want me to send you some cocodamol in the post? Lol I'm only half joking I will if you want me to
to be honest my pain is usualy manageable intill around 4-6 pm but come the evening is just horrible! I can usualy handle it till evening but today it hurts everywhere... Makes me miserable. But I guess you understand that hey. You been suffering long? X
About 3months now yeah sometimes im like that can cope until evening also doctor would have gave my cocodomol but as I work with children and they make me drowsy he didn't think it was a good idea they effect me pretty bad im intolerant to lots of drugs so it's gonna be hard to find the right ones for me x
Thanks me 2 hope u have a better day 2 morrow x goodnight
Huge hugs from me my friend lol xxx
I am so genuinely and sincerely sorry to read that you are in so much pain, and I hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I am sorry to hear you are hurting so bad. I hope you can find some relief. Gentle hugs headed your way. They help me when I hurt so bad. Maybe it will you to know that somebody cares!
I agree I've been in pain longer than I care to remember lol I'm looking forward to that 1 good day and I feel like I can do anything till about 2 hours after lol good luck hope you feel better soon gentle hugs
I understand, and sometimes we all need to vent. I have found a natural solution to my pain. It is amazing how I have been in the last 4 years since I started essential oils. My pains have dissipated and I am back in life. If you are interested you might check out the website that I found that helped me the most. everythingessential.me
It has been an awesome 4 years, but I suffered for over 40 years prior to the oils. I had closed myself in bed and had not worked in many years, I was hooked on pain meds and just did not want to live. I had searched for something that would help for years and a friend introduced me to the oils. I have been ever grateful ever since.