So need a full nights sleep.but with the pain and the heat just carnt get to sleepxxx
pain, heat ,: So need a full nights... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pain, heat ,

The heat is keeping me up, despite being tired. I've just got up again for a bit. Hugs and sympathy.
You are not alone xx
Hi Fibro
It's so annoying when you can't get comfortable to sleep. Don't know if you like warm milk or chamomile tea as they're helpful in getting to sleep. I lie on the covers with a large towel nearby to cover me in the early hours when it's a bit cooler. Cold flannel on the face is cooling. Hope this helps a bit.
Ice in a bag wrapped in a towel around my neck helps some!
I genuinely and sincerely hope that you manage to get a good nights sleep.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I have a fan at the foot of the bed winter and summer. But i havnt used it yet, im still feeling the cold.
I can never decide whether I am hot or cold. I always seem to start off cold whatever the weather and then after about an hour warm up and can;t get comfortable. I start with two covers on, then one, then none and then in the early hours they start being piled back on and then off again no wonder I am shattered when it is time to get up.
Hope you all managed a bit of sleep in the end. It seems very sultry today it is raining quite heavily here but really quite warm inside not my favourite type of weather.x
At the moment I have three different types of bedding on the bed - an empty quilt cover, a quilted bedspread and a 3.5 tog quilt.
Depending on the (or my) temperature I use any one of the three at different times during the night. I am thankful though that I generally feel too hot rather than feel too cold. Warming hugs sent to all those that feel cold most of the time XX