Hello my fibro friends! Can't sleep so I've got up for a ciggy and juice!...I felt quite pleased with myself today by passing on this amazing site to a young lady I met through my beautician yesterday who's just been diagnosed with fibro!!...Shes only 30 with 2 small boys and is sooohh scared about what's going to happen to her...
So I put my mumma/Nanna head on and told her first and foremost she must have a look around this wonderful place and all the amazing information contained within!! She was so grateful for a few comforting words I felt quite "emosh" and have promised to be here if she needs me!! I've told her to look out for me on here and hope she joins in!!...♥♥♥
Good morning!!: Hello my fibro friends... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Good morning!!

Morning my friend. That is a shame that she is struggling and suffering so much and I genuinely hope that she finds the site useful.
I met a lovely young lady yesterday during the awareness day event that I held and she was only 28 years old and her Fibro was so bad that she was using a tri-walker like me. I sincerely hope that she also finds the site useful.
Enjoy your ciggy and juice, take care.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
So sad isn't it when they're sooohh young! I don't know how I would have coped as a single mother with my two boys! Here's hoping they both have a caring support network of friends and family!...♥♥
Abso-rockin-lutely....my friend!! I know I could have done with "one of me" when I was first diagnosed! Luckily I found this place pretty early on and haven't looked back since!!...♥♥
I know exactly what you me !! I have been suffering from the age of 12, you just feel like your all alone and no one is ever going to believe you...
it has taken me to some pretty dark places, over the years. Mentally and physically it just wears you down .... now at 44 and finally being diagnosed, it just lifts the dark clouds enough to brighten things and finding this site and all the lovely fibrites was an absolute god send...
that is why I feel so strongly about trying to help and be there for others...
God bless, piece out , rock on!!!
let's have some bikkies and coffee 👌👌😎😎😎😎
morning well done new recruits are all ways welcome ! I do wish we did not have more people with this silent nasty but there we go. We will all help if we can
I met 2 ladies with fibro on a tent an camping site and gave them the web address.
It must be awful to have it so young, I would not wish it on my worst enemy!!!
Hi there, just being nosey, as we're all here to help & seek help (for that matter), I hope you don't mind me asking whether the ciggy was a real one or a figure of speech. If it's a real one, forgive me if I say that can't be doing your health any good. Gentle hugs.
Well now....without getting into a huge debate on the evils of smoking can I please just say that since being diagnosed with fibro and a list of others problems, I have changed my diet, given up caffeine and alcohol and have lost over 2 and a half stones in weight!! All tests on blood pressure/ cholesterol/sugars and everything else are "NORMAL" I have no issues with my chest or breathing so "until" or "if" this happens I will then reevaluate my habit. Thank you for your concerns...ninja...♥♥