Please do not take this letter as official information from Gov't sources or otherwise- it's only my thoughts. Its my thoughts thru looking at old newspapers online, info on the rebuilding our country after the 2nd world war- what was done and how etc.. so its only my conclusion.. you might agree; or not..
A long time ago, In 1995 to be precise, the DWP asked me what I thought where my FM came from, this is what I told them- and they never disagreed... I said; In my honest opinion after the war when GB was on its knees, we needed food and a lot of it- exports were costing us a fortune from the USA or other countries, The bank of GB was empty, almost.. The Gov't of the day asked all land owners to grow as much food as they could as quick as they can- so fertilizers came into force in a big way, thousands of tons of unapproved, unknown side effects, unknown ingredients of this stuff was dumped on the ground to make vegetables grow faster- I am a second generation, ie- born 1959- so mum and dad ate what was being used to grow food with no side effects- it was the like of you and me that has been the subject of these unknown side effect products- most of which are now known to be harmful and banned. curious?.. Google for yourself, do some looking around- the info is out there.. I just think that thank god we won the war and got back on our feet, and the next generation shouldn't suffer as we do now- Kazz.
This is good for the true facts- copy and paste but not after the letter (&) page .3 (Preface)
These link to the above but are not as clear- ( Hours of reading ) page 19, section .9