I believe I have suffered from FM for most of my life. As a child I found being ticked to be painful, my skin always hurt to touch. The real signs were my arms aching and my weight gain!! Anyway, this is not about FM... this is about the cause and what we take. I personally take NO meds... I believe that immunisations and poisons in our air and food, toothpaste, drinks and water are the main cause of being ill. Pharma meds only mask the problem, we need to heal it... HOW DO WE HEAL IT??
Well these toxins and poisons started the process in our bodies, but did you know that emotions also helped it along. When we have negative emotions from our lives we store the stress and it manifests itself as illness, add to that the poisons we face in our lives everyday and there you have it... a powerful illness that wreaks havoc in our WHOLE BODY... we have Dis-ease!
We need to eliminate the poisons, aspartame, fluoride etc etc.. and then work on our old stored negative emotions... then and only then can we get better.
I want to heal my FM and I will, but it is a slow start. I am an NLP practitioner and spiritual life coach, not to forget a couples counsellor.. and I see all the time the illnesses that emotions can cause. What is someone with my knowledge doing with this illness then??
Well, I was abused as a child and that effects every 'fiber' of my being, so I have healed a whole lot of emotions and now I am digging deeper.
It makes me sad that people go right for the meds rather than look at alternative methods. There is always more going on than we know and we need to look deeper... we need to take control. Most amazing drugs that can help are illegal, or not FDA approved!! I wonder why!?
This video will help you understand how your meds will NOT help you in the long run... if your life matters to you... help yourself xx