PAIN IN HANDS: HAS ANY ONE GOT PAIN IN... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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GUSANDME profile image
53 Replies


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GUSANDME profile image
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53 Replies
Matrix profile image

Yeah all the time hands wrists thumbs and arms. Bet you glad you asked lol I find wearing a arthritic hand gloves ver good I buy mine on G.....n if you don’t know what that means on me xx🤗😇

GUSANDME profile image
GUSANDME in reply to Matrix


Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply to GUSANDME

That’s ok I meant pm me not on me x

Debdoris profile image
Debdoris in reply to Matrix

Yes I get terrible pain & stiffness in my hands & very weak wrists can’t carry anything heavy , I haven’t tried the gloves yet but think I will give it a go .

Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply to Debdoris

I get pain in bed too holding my I pad to read I pop the glove on and it’s instant relief .Did you work out where I got them from .They are true to size I have small and my handrs are small they fit snug They he.p me so much .Let me know how you get on with them .xx🦋🤗😘😇

Debdoris profile image
Debdoris in reply to Matrix

Thanks for your reply , will do 😬

gail76 profile image

Yes and pins and needles. Also my grip has weaken too. I have to keep my hands warm as it is worse if they get cold.

in reply to gail76

Oh me too, left hand worse, can’t tell you how many times I’ve dropped stuff believing I’ve got a reasonable grip on things. Also my hands, and other bits twitch involuntarily due to large muscles cramping and tensing for what feels like forever especially when I grip things, gently holding things don’t get as many twitches...for now. Definitely cold makes everything worse.

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

gail76 profile image
gail76 in reply to

My left is worse too. I'm the same, I've broken so many things now. I still can do some work from home thankfully but some times I have to warm my hand on a hotwater bottle so my hand will work haha !

thanks xx

in reply to gail76

It might be a bit scary, and you might think you’re imagining it, but at least you’re not on your own lol🤗. I tend to tell myself off for doing ‘stupid things’, especially if like last night narrowly missing knocking a glass of water over, sweeping a pan lid on the floor and almost stabbing myself in the process, all in the act of turning round. I honestly don’t know how I get through the day sometimes...OH doesn’t get why I need to release tension by swearing at myself. Makes me stand still and put the knife down and take some deep breaths. Don’t think I have a matching set of anything breakable now. 😂 😂

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

gail76 profile image
gail76 in reply to

I’m the same ! I can’t have any matching pates left ha ha good job we can laugh ! Xx

in reply to gail76

So true, I replace things I need with cheap supermarket or primark crockery, no point buying expensive things when plain white cheap stuff lasts just as long ha ha

Enjoy the warm sunshine and free vitamin D

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

simmyysim profile image
simmyysim in reply to gail76

Oh not just me then! I've bought camping plates as they're unbreakable. Well mostly...

in reply to simmyysim

Leaving the supermarket yesterday I spotted a garden chair and table set with bright coloured clear plastic plates and glasses etc and thought hmmmm....just proves great minds think alike 😂

Are your plates plastic or metal? If you don’t mind me asking?

Love and hugs 🤗 XX

simmyysim profile image
simmyysim in reply to

Well I would call them melamine but don't know if that's an old fashioned term but plastic like material.


in reply to simmyysim

Thanks, just wondering if they are up to having hot food on them.

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

simmyysim profile image
simmyysim in reply to

Oh yeah they're fine plus I have heaps of food mostly curries as I overeat due to fibro depression but at least the plates go on and on! I got them from go - outdoors a few years back for actual camping but repurposed them.

in reply to simmyysim

What a really good idea thanks, I also love curries, chilli, tomato based sauces and wondered if foods stained the plates. Apparently Morrisons are selling convincing plastic “real” plates as part of their summer range, I’ll get one and eat a curry off it this weekend just for fun, and let you know

Sorry you’re depressed, I often think I may be as my appetite can be very poor for a few days, then several more days where I constantly feel hungry and over eat, thinking about telling the doctor.

Hope you’re feeling brighter today and enjoy the long weekend lots of love and very gentle hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗 xx

GUSANDME profile image


motherconfessor profile image

Yep me too, and sometimes they shake so bad I can hardly feed myself. I also have really bad pain in my arms and shoulders, struggles picking anything up. Xx

in reply to motherconfessor

I have that problem, can’t seem to make my thumb and fingers meet or grip enough to pick stuff up, very frustrating

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

I also have to put a tea towel round my neck to prevent my clothes from getting stained as my hands twitch so much when I eat, dropping food off my fork just as I put it in my mouth... almost like when I can’t see the fork I cannot prevent my hand twitching, very odd.

goldie67 profile image

Yes my hands get really sore and swell up also

in reply to goldie67

Only my left, which is my worst hand, swells, though both ache at the end of the day and when it’s cold

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

goldie67 profile image
goldie67 in reply to

Ive more pain in my left but more swelling in the right and defo yes the cold makes them so much worse xx

Blue42 profile image

Hi, ask you GP to send you to the hand clinic as they can offer you hand supporys and exersices to help keep your hands moving as long as possible. Hope this helps x

Horsesgalore profile image

I get pain in my fingers, it's almost as if the joints lock & the only thing that helps is gently stretching them.

hello hun- I have awful hand and wrist pain sometimes knuckles, I have been told I have arthralgia,, I use voltarol like hand cream- place hands in warm warm , pat dry and apply voltarol like hand cream it really helps.

catherine19611 profile image
catherine19611 in reply to

like you I use capsican cream like hand cream, GP said it was better than voltarol, although if you forget you have put it on then touch your eyes or lips there is a searing hot sensation to the point of burning. my thumbs go into spasam a lot as well and I have to pull them back with great force. I too have little strength in my arms anymore.

Every morning I wake up and my hands are so stiff and sore especially when it’s cold, like Horsesgalore mentions , gently stretching them helps but it still hurts, each joint feels like there’s broken glass in them. My hands are incredibly dry, even though I moisturise them several times a day with E45 intense repair . Love and hugs 🤗 xx

Blue42 profile image

I was told to use hot alovera cream (I dont know if l spelt it right) or massage them in warm water when the joints are stiff x


jonelmes1978 profile image

Yes, and in my feet, base of spine, neck, jaw etc

rottweiller69 profile image

yeah I regularly deal with this on a daily basis and its frustrating when I can't even brush my hair,teeth or wash properly..the list goes on as we know..I've got loads of different supports to is bad as it's chilly here...take care 😊 sending you my best wishes xx✌

catherine19611 profile image
catherine19611 in reply to rottweiller69

my dentist looked at me as if I had lost the plot when I said I struggled to hold my toothbrush. glad it isn't just me

rottweiller69 profile image
rottweiller69 in reply to catherine19611

not on your own lovely..i even got a electric toothbrush too...i even cut ✂ off my long hair earlier this year...x

rottweiller69 profile image
rottweiller69 in reply to catherine19611

lol forgot to say I even struggled with the electric toothbrush too 😞

catherine19611 profile image
catherine19611 in reply to rottweiller69

me too

rottweiller69 profile image
rottweiller69 in reply to catherine19611

is that to struggling with the button or and your hair my lovely x

catherine19611 profile image
catherine19611 in reply to rottweiller69

the brush

rottweiller69 profile image
rottweiller69 in reply to catherine19611

oh I see yes I agree with you..i struggle with everything.likewise

foxygram1 profile image

I hope this is related I have the stiffness in my fingers. My main problem related to hands and feet is burning. It hurts and I do not know what to do about it.. I use real time which is great pain reliever and helps immensely all over body when I use it at various pain spots. It cannot be bought over counter shelves. I can get it at my massage person or ask pharmacy Does anyone else suffer from burning feet and hands

in reply to foxygram1

I do! Haven’t found anything to ease the burning yet. Tell me more about this pain reliever!

Jackiejack123 profile image

Hiya ,

Mines are really painful and swollen but I had no inflammation in there when I got them X-rayed , x

KnackeredKaty profile image


Pollywitsend profile image

I know it might sound strange but I eat half an avocado each day, and my pins and needles and twinges really ease off. If I dont eat one I certainly know it. Also take vitamin D tablets twice a day, prescribed by Doc.

Primrose1625 profile image

Terrible pains in my hands thumbs and fingers especially in the heart of my hand probably a better description in the middle oddly left hand more than right I use my right hand to do everything I have found this to be more of a recent problem as I wake up with hand clenched during the night This also effects dexterity when getting coins out of purse or cards and constantly drop things My doctor has explained that she feels it's more to do with osteoporosis but it is the most annoying thing because constantly we are using our hands I also have a disabled young man who is severely mentally disabled Getting him dressed has become nearly impossible Hope this helps Kind regards x

Sarahvit profile image

I have a little arthritis (that’s what I think it is, it my be fibro) that acts up from time to time. It is just very mild maybe a 2-3 on the pain scale only last long enough to get my attention notice it then something else takes over then I carry on with whatever I was doing. I don’t know if this is just a mild case of arthritis, a fibro thing or a little of both. 💕🙏🦋

DAWN104 profile image

Yeah my both hand are very painful all the time

This may also be related, but occasionally say I’ve got my dinner knife in my right hand, cutting up some food when suddenly a shooting stabbing pain like an electric shock right from the palm of my hand up to my elbow which eases over a few minutes, not sure what’s going on there.

Love and hugs 🤗 xx

Nuttyshirlz profile image


I’ve being having problems with mine. I now wear hand splints but has I’ve arthritis and fibo I don’t no which is too blame. Don’t think hospital do neither I’m waiting to have a hand scan on mine x

louloumorgan profile image

yes ache pains and painfull pins and neddles at tips of my fingers xx

wn3debz56 profile image

you will find its a mixture of both fybro and arthritis(osteo-) I have it too, all the pain weakness of your hands, wrist, an terrible pain an swelling off the knuckles, which effects you grip, some days I cant open milk, other days if I hold something my hands spasm shut an I have to force them open, very painful! Hope ur feeling a little less painful tomoz! 😊

ladybob1 profile image

I have very painful hands particularly the right hand and base of thumb. I got a steroid injection 5 months ago. Good at the time but it has worn off and the pain is back. I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia

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