Eyes: Hi all woke up this morning with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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9 Replies

Hi all woke up this morning with gritty sore aching eyes just wondered if anyone else gets this. Is it maybe another symptom or something else. hope you are all as well as you can be today thanks Sue

9 Replies

Hi Susie,

Unfortunately I get this. My optician has told me it is dry eyes. I use a natural tears drop and have been told to drink lots of water and when on the computer to blink frequently. Apparently people when working with a computer stare at the screen forgetting to blink. If this is a new symptom and it is persistent it may be worth checking with your optician or your GP :)

Hope you can get it resolved speedily :)

rosewine profile image

Hi Susie

No doctor but like Tiredalot think it might be Dry Eye. I was out to dinner with a friend on Monday and she had to pop some drops in her eyes half way through (she was in one of those seats where everyone would have had to move if she wanted to get out). She said she had Dry Eye and it was to keep them lubricated and had been so much more comfortable since being prescribed the drops. Like she says do get it checked out if it does not go away soon as eyes are so precious and I know if you have that condition for a long time and it is untreated it can start to damage your eyes.

If I am tired, or have been on the computer or reading for too long without a rest my eyes tend to feel like that but if I do something else for a while they go back to normal.

Hope you get it sorted soon.x

caninecrazy profile image

hello Susie,

I wake like that most mornings, I have dry eyes and mouth. I buy eye drops from chemist and put them in just as im going to bed. its made my eyes bit better as it feels as if ive grit under my eyelids :(

your pharmacist can offer you advice .

hugs x

Hi, are your eyes red? There is a condition called Iritis which feels like grit in the eye and is usually accompanied by redness of the eye ... if so get to your doctor or optician asap, to check that it is not iritis - if it IS, it needs urgent treatment.

Thanks for your replies I shall try eye drops, I work with computers so that could be the reason. Sue

Ginsing profile image

Hi Susie I thought I would give you my two penny worth as well. I get dry eyes, they itch, sometimes they water mostly need drops. It is Fibro and very rarely it is something else so next time you see your Doctor mention it to him.

The best advise is to rest your eyes between screens when using a computer. Lift up your head look away into the distance and focus on whatever I always see lovely greener or a branch. Now hold your gaze steady count to ten. All done blink a couple of times and resume your computer work. This just gives your eyes a breather .!

Take care



Thanks ginseng much appreciated

TheAuthor profile image

Hi susie901

I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to the problem. I have been experiencing all kinds of problems like this with my eyes including visual impairment etc, and my optician said my Fibro had affected my eye muscles.

I want to wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

sue32 profile image

Well this happened to me for the first time last week!! I was watching TV and all of a sudden I felt I had something in my left eye. I rubbed and rubbed - as you do - but nothing worked. I kept my eye closed, but even then the moving of my eyeball was really irritating!! It lasted for about an hour, and although it seems OK for the moment, I'm really worried it may happen again!! XX

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