Has anyone asked for a reconsideration to be done on their pip claim won a different decision?
Reconsideration asked for pip claim? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Reconsideration asked for pip claim?

I am sorry but I have not undergone anything of this nature, but I wanted to wish you all the best of luck with yours.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I am attempting to do that at the moment, it's very hard to try and put your point across. I think that's why people don't bother. I am determined to finish it today. If you go on line there are so many conflicting instructions on how to word it. It has left me totally stressed out.
I am a bit confused about my appeal. I had a mental health test with my GP and it has confirmed that i do have problems.I am now waiting to see a specialist. So i phoned the pip place and was told it would be put on my records. Two days later i got a letter from them saying that there is no reason for them to change their first decision.I now have to go to a tribunal if i wish to continue.
There is a strong possibility that it was sent before they had my phone call.
So now it looks like calling them both to find out what to do with any new evidence.
Sue xx getting fed up with it
I asked for a reconsideration and sent in additional evidence from my GP as well as a statement addressing the misconceptions and untruths in my original report but they have refused to change it, again based on something I did not say at my assessment but according to DWP I did say. I am sending my tribunal request off today.
Good luck x
Haven't had the misfortune to have to apply for PIP yet I have that joy yet to come in April. I did ask for a Reconsideration with my DLA as they turned me down and sent me a letter saying what they had based it on. When I looked at it one thing was a GP's letter and my GP at that time I knew was on my side so I asked for a copy of it and they couldn;t produce one because in fact one hadn't been sent as he had forgotten. Well of course they were up the river without a paddle then having catergorically stated that that was one of the main things they had based their decision on. I arranged for him to send one and I had a letter within two weeks saying I would receive DLA.. I think you either need to produce more evidence or trip them up on a salient fact. Good luck.x
Speak to your local CAB or Age UK
Hi elsiegirl
As offcut above has suggested please visit your local CAB, DIAL or WelfareRights to ask for help with your reconsiderations and appeals/tribunals. They are trained especially to deal with this type of thing.
I don't get PIP yet, but I got knocked back for DLA and asked for a reconsideration last year and I used Welfare Rights but they dealt with my claim from the beginning of application . It's time for renewal now and they're helping me again, yes, the same nice gentleman too
I can appreciate that these services become overwhelmed with cases but if you contact them straight away they may be able to help you. I give you some links below
Hope this helps and send you fluffies and smiles
xxx sian
I had a reconciliation over the phone and still they failed me. They have lied, not added vital information and I feel as if I am banging my head against a brick wall.I am now on a 5 day call back, how these people sleep at night is beyond me. Its bad enough having fibro without the stress of deceitful people who are not even medically qualified. Sorry for the rant but am so angry and upset with these people this week.x