Hi just wondered how long people have had to wait for a decision from a reconsideration? I waited 6 weeks for the first decision am so sick of waiting thanks in advance xx
PIP manditary reconsideration - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP manditary reconsideration

So sorry I cannot be of help but I wish you a speedy decision....Let us know xx
I'm about to put mine in, will find out and let you know
HI Aim425 , I'm not from the UK so can't be of much help people but I do hope it's very soon!!! Peck🐤
Hello Aim425,I really do believe it is a postcode lottery on decisions.I only waited 4 weeks in gtr Manchester. I guess it depends in how many applications each area has: I would ring and ask
I am waiting for my reconsideration and it's been 7 weeks and still waiting it will be 9weeks come 8th Oct fed up waiting took them a week to refuse pip and months to reconsider I'm in Scotland
I'm still waiting for my form to arrive 👹
Hi Aim425
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are still awaiting this, and I think it is varying a great deal from region to region due to the backlogs.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your reconsideration and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I personally was7months but things have improved since 2014
hi aim425.
i asked for a reconsideration foe mobility ,
from the time i asked to the time i got a letter , i think was about 10 weeks.
hope this helps.
Hello there.
When I phoned for my Mandatory reconsideration, I was told it could be 9 weeks before I received the result. I'm in Essex.
Fluffy and healing hugs to you all.
Mary x x
I called PIP, the lady I spoke to was very nice, she said the case worker has been working on my case end of last week & looks like they are working on it today they have not made a decision as yet.. so I will ring Friday if I haven't heard anything. Makes me wonder how they come up with their decision sometimes.
have you recieved an aknowlegment letter
i never did as i did not know they sent one out . i left it for 11 months as welfare rights were involved and i just trusted that it was in hand i even phoned to ask if a consultants letter i had would be of any use they said no as my paperwork had been passed onto another dept --liars been thought it before same story . never recieved paper work 2 times before . i should have know better to trust them not . but i was severly deppress at that point so did not have the bottle to even phone . anyway i lost nearly 2 years money due to there lies . so do check up if youve not recieved an acknowlegment sorry i really cant think or spell today
Yes. Do check up. Even if it's a quick phone call and you're not at your best, try to ring the DWP. They keep a record of your calls.
But as for the acknowledgement letter, I haven't received one either. I'm going on what the person I spoke to on the phone said (them having received my Reconsideration and having to wait for the decision maker to look at it).
Perhaps I'll give them a call later and ask for an Acknowledgement Letter...
I received a text message of acknowledgement, the woman I spoke to today said they received my paperwork that I sent aswell. If I don't hear anything by Friday I will phone again (if I remember, dam fibro fog)
I'm waiting for a decision about my Mandatory Reconsideration regarding my PIP which I was refused. The reason why I was refused... For ringing the DWP and ATOS to cancel my assessment as I'd been recently discharged from hospital after collapsing which was thought to have been a heart attack. It turned out I was severely anaemic with very low blood pressure - something I've suffered with all my life due to a blood disorder (Thalassaemia). The DWP and ATOS both told me to ring them back when I was feeling better to arrange another assessment. Seems they both lied because during that time I received a letter from DWP saying I didn't qualify for PIP because I didn't give a "good reason" to cancel my assessment. By the way, I requested a home assessment but was denied it on the basis that I can make it to and from hospital admissions... in an ambulance. What a joke!
I've been waiting since 10th August for the reconsideration decision and have rang the DWP for updates and told that it normally takes 7-8 weeks but mine was going to take longer. Hmm... I hope not longer than my last appeal which I had to wait over a year and a half for and then be awarded lowest mobility - indefinitely. The PIP was for a change of circumstances as my health greatly deteriorated since the DLA award which I made a claim for in April. Nearly 6 months on and I've got rent & council tax arrears with a list of bills that I can't pay. I'm also having to pay for supplements (vitamin D, B12 and iron) because the NHS here deem them "specials" and don't prescribe them - even though I had Pernicious Anaemia and Osteomalacia (rickets) with severe anaemia.
I can't wait to appeal again. NOT!