The DWP phoned at 5.30pm Monday evening to inform me that a healthcare professional would be coming to see me today at 9am re my application for PIP back in February. I've stressed over this for three days, 9.15am I receive a phone call to say the assessment was canceled as the healthcare professional could no longer make it and we rearranged for Monday 29th. Strangely enough I'd read lots of complaints in forums about Capita canceling all the time, its ridiculous. We have a bad time anyway trying to explain fibro and to get people to understand its effects without having to go through this. I'm a tad fed up today!
PIP Assessment: The DWP phoned at... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP Assessment

I hate the way they play with peoples lives like this. Things like this stress us and make us more prone to flares. Hope all goes well on 29th. Gentle hugs Joolz.x
I hate to say this ,but if they see you in a flare state they can't argue how unwell you are as they will get a first hand experience of what it's like to be you , I hope your ok and the meeting goes well for you I applied in march and haven't heard anything since the letter came saying the would asses me in 25 weeks or something like that ,I really wish you well for Monday keep your chin up xx
Hi sue_c
I am so sorry to read that you had built yourself up only to be deflated in this way! I want to wish you all the best of luck for when you do get your assessment.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Sorry to hear they cancelled on you it must have been so stressful. It sounds from what I have heard that Capita aren't fairing much better than ATOS. I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the 29th.x
They cancelled me once and then made an appointment when I told them on the phone I would not be home and then they did actually turn up for the third appoitment. and now waiting the result. I did all this before and got no where and badly need financial help so i can get a decent wheechari or motorscooter and help with the car. so fes up playingthe waiting game especially when the people do not fully understand what you are going through.