Hi just hoping everyone is kinda coping the best they can today and ty to good old foggy for those photos . Well I just need to know as I have a lower lumber bad back deferring to my knee which caused my flat feet. Cant lift myself out of a chair with my left leg just like there's nothing there to ask if you know what I mean. Well all im trying to do is find out if its the fibro or my lumbar causing my toes all of them on both feet the involuntarily grab or kinda clench all day and its almost tiring odd as that might sound. I was wondering cause I know fibro does cause our legs to weaken some and so forth. So is there anyone else out there that this happens to they also try to grab the ground when standing too. I guess im trying to understand what's what with my illness ................. and on and on and on lol. Well hoping your all ok and would appreciate any honesty with this ty. xxxx
Hi everyone : Hi just hoping everyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi everyone

Sorry you haven't had any replies yet, hopefully someone who may have experienced similar problems may come along and help.
In the meantime I am sending lots of positive vibes your way
Foggy x
Have you told your G.P if not really think you should, this kind of thing does happen with Fibro however it could be from the lumber region or as the saying goes something completely different. Wishing you well X
Hi Royalspec01
I am so sorry to read that you are suffering with this issue, and I genuinely hope that you find the answers that you so desperately desire and deserve. I do not have this problem, but it really does sound unpleasant for you?
I want to wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Ty everyone I think its my lumber prob too even though I have this lumbar problem its never been investigated don't know if there isn't enough symptoms for that to be funded but alas ill have to wait. Once again ty everyone and hope you all are ok today. xx
Hi sweetheart, so sorry for your health issues. If I'm reading you right it feels like your feet and toes move on there own? Mine do this and I always thought of it as a weird kind of cramp while making my feet look deformed. It's painful but I haven't a clue the why's or what to do for it. Hope it let's up and you get some relief. xxx Mitzi
Mitsiblue wow my granddaughters favourite colour. Ty ty ty and yes it does help in nice way but so sorry you have it with pain. Im not sure but I think its like a habit that forms form our continual muscle spasms. Its kinda reassuring cause it may be fibro bound and although it isn't nice it beats the other options so yes ty. And don't worry everyone I know it isn't definite and not doctors so im all good. xx