Hi everyone feeling a little awkward. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi everyone feeling a little awkward.

Royalspec01 profile image
13 Replies

Hi really sorry I don't write much but this sight is like a second home for socialising I feel familiar with you all and mostly just read the posts to help me feel so un normal ! Sometime cant stay online too long my back just tyres so quickly and have to juggle if my online game will help me enjoy something a little and believe you me I played this game every minute spare and into the night before this its world of Warcraft American server. But always try to find a little time for this site. And hopefully help comfort or help someone else too. I suppose I must be writing for a reason and not sure why I've got into a bit of a rut ..or is it I ask myself others with out fibro seem to thing I should be doing more . I'm always in a semi flare due to my lumber and feet conditions and always have sore and stabbing and cramps all over not always severe but one thing I know is I exhaust aby the time ive finished my housework walked my dog on my mobility scooter. Return home prepare our lunch, visit the girls (family) fir a couple of hours if I'm not to tired I really am whooped most evening I don't make it through the evening watching TV with my feet up and in an enormous chair that I can lean back in and relax as much as I can. I shop about four times in a fortnight and visit the hydro pool usually once a week with other fibro sufferers. I need alarms and prompts for appointments' and meds every day all day. My visual memory is really all I am these days fogs lousy and I have absences so not always the greatest communicator. as I can only take in so much of what people are saying I seem to switch off and then when I realise someone is saying something important to me I ask for it to be repeated as its probably important to that person.

Well I guess I a asking is this ok as your the experts . I'm thinking of doing some other things like maybe a supportive creative group once a week and a visit to Avebury cause Samain is arriving now its not ike ive lost interest in life I just feel I know my limitations. Really hope this doesn't sound like a lot rubbish or to much to read. Well love and blessings to you all . xx Hope your days are as best as pos.

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Royalspec01 profile image
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13 Replies
Regnofibro1 profile image

Not to much to read. Fog is a big problem for me to. I try to help when I can, but it's late here. So stay positive as much as you can. Hugs

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi there my friend,

Do you know what? I am so pleased to see you posting and asking for help for yourself, you are so often there with kind words for everyone else, but little about you, so we'll done !!

I really hear everything you've said and I admire how you have got some coping mechanisms in place, which is great 👍🏻 It sounds like you have come to a place where you realise your limitations and don't like them at all and now need something to focus on to help you get through the everyday nightmare that fibro is. I don't know exactly where you live but mentioning Avebury I thought you might be in Wiltshire so I've found a support group which may be of interest to you, so here is the email deb.davis@swindon-fibromyalgia.co.uk If this is too far away from you I'm sorry. Setting up a group yourself is a huge undertaking and one which I think you have to feel pretty good yourself to take on, that having been said there is information which can help you if you chose to do that.

I hope this may be of help, if not do feel free to PM me and I will try and help.😃😃😘

Foggy x

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Hi Foggy ty so much for your kind and helpful response, it has been really difficult I suppose we try to keep coping but not if you know what I mean, or at least with all my moans and groans I wouldn't appear to be . Your advice was great and spot on I'm in SWINDON so perfect. Ive joined them and they are lottery based so have free access to the Hydro therapy pool every Monday. Once again ty xx

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Royalspec01

Oh I'm so so pleased, how weird is that, the fact I got the right place..........this is not the norm for me hehehe 😀😀 but a so glad that you have found somewhere to go and get support, together with the hydrotherapy and it being free and each week.

I really hope this turns out to be a really good group for you and wish you the very very best 👍🏻😃😃😃😃😘

Foggy x

Petitepam profile image

Hi, lovely to speak to you. I understand you difficulties with the foggyness and the medication. I have medication for other issues also and as they cover different periods of time i end up chasing my tail trying to get a repeat prescp before running out (not always successful). I also have to balance my time and feel very frustrated. I say give it a go with the creative group, it does us good to try to push our limitations a little, you might find the boost you get from the group is worth the consequencies. Seize the day remember your a warrior!!

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to Petitepam


Telynores profile image

Foggy has given you a very helpful reply.

I would like to make a suggestion (or two). You seem to do an awful lot and good for you. My suggestion would be to try to make some time for yourself and you creative activity group may be as therapeutic as getting together with other fibro people (I find this to be the case). I would love to be able to use a hydro pool and would go more than once if it was me.

I have seen you posting replies to help others, it's two way, well done for getting your thoughts/feelings posted.

Be kind to yourself :-)

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to Telynores

Hi there I love that photo its kinda oldly worldly if you know what I mean. It might seem like a lot and sometimes could be more gently with things but I pay the price the widespread pain is always there but I try not to make it too catastrophic. But of course tiring and energy is thin on the ground. Your reply is well received as is all and ty . I really hope that you can find a hydro near you it really helps relieve. Even a swimming pool that is warm the non gravity feeling is what really does it for me.

rosewine profile image

Don't apologise for doing a longer post as sometime one is needed to explain ourselves fully. You are rather like many of us happy to help others but reluctant to ask for help ourselves.

I think you are doing marvellously but you do seem to be slotting alot into your day and I think that does not help the fibro fog as the more physically tired we get it has the knock on effect unfortunately of making us more mentally tired

Just a suggestion about the meds, some chemists will have your repet prescription form and order the meds for you when necessary. In many places the doctors will also send the scripts electronically so once ordered from the docs they are automatically sent to the chemists saving you time and one of the journeys. I have actually done a simple spreadsheet on the computer listing all my meds, then how many tablets for each med.with how many days that gives me as well iw sometimes we take 8 of one tablet and perhaps only one if another hence the day thing and this running total tells me each week when I do my tablet box whether it is ordering time or not. I used Patients Access so I can order over the internet which gives me a record of what I have ordered.

The group sounds marvellous but you might just have to pare something else back to give you the necessary energy but good luck with and I hope you get alot out of it as you deserve it. Please let us know how you get on.x

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to rosewine

wow ty Rosewine to be honest I struggle already and really dread fitting more in my dog is worth so much to me it would heighten my fibro if didn't have him he's my buddy. He is a Japanese Akita so quite a handful at times but he out ways the stress. What I got most of all from you was its ok to feel I'm doing enough despite what others around me might think and so helpful in the pacing of it once again ty really helpful. xx

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to rosewine

Hi there thank you so much for your advice I did think I was trying to do to much but it helps someone else saying as I don't seem to have a compassionate measure to slow up for myself. /My back tires so easily no so don't sit at the comp as much as I did , ty again x

TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely delighted that you feel that you can reach out on the forum and ask for help, as you usually reach out to help others and now it is your turn to ask for some help. As the others have said, you do appear to fit a lot into your day and I would try and take some time for you, for what you truly want? Please take care of yourself my friend and I sincerely hope that you can find what you desire and deserve.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hello, I would just like to point out that whatever I have said above is not related in any way to your website. Also within the rules of this forum we are advised not to give links to other websites and forums.

I live in Devon and would not be able to attend any Swindon based group, nor do I wish to be drawn away from this forum which I have supported and which has supported me for over three years.

I wish you every success with your endeavours.

Foggy x

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