Hi all I've got my first appointment tomorrow with the pain clinic any advice on what to expect would be very welcome thanks for your time x
Pain clinic: Hi all I've got my first... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain clinic

Hi Paula
Firstly good luck tomorrow. My advice would be to have any questions written down before you go and decide what you want to concentrate on. I was first interviewed by a nurse who started to go over where I had the pain etc and how it had affected me. We were only half way through or so I thought when the specialist came in and took over. I felt that although he was very nice he was very pushed for time and seemed to have already decided what treatment he was going to offer me based on the letter from my doctor, a very quick examination and a MRI scan which my doctor had commissioned. I was offered Capsicum cream which unfortunately didn't suit me and Electronic Acupuncture which initially helped me quite a bit but because of local NHS cuts I can now only have every 4 months so helps less. The specialist agreed with the medication that the doctor was already giving me so had nothing new to suggest. I have now been going for nearly 4 years and I find unless I push it it is an "in and out job" with the treatment given and that is it. Lately because of the increased pain I have really pushed for some more advice on medication, etc and that seems to be paying off. Unfortunately neither of the medications I have tried have had that much help but I do feel as though I am at last being listened to. I think in my area there are so many people that the services are under so much pressure they can barely cope. I had to wait over 6 months just to get the chance of getting an appt. Some others on the site have been able to have an appt at a Pain Clinic much quicker and have found it to be a much more worthwhile experience so of course I am only recounting my own. Hope that your visit is good, let us know how you get onx
Thank you rosewine for your time replying your reply was very helpful I've waited 2 months for appointment so not too long but long enough for me when in agony I'm hoping they will have something to help me with my doctor is brilliant she's tried a lot of medication to no avail so keeping fingers crossed I will let you know how I get on x
Good luck I have my first session on the 20 th august , I have great hopes ! I shall watch for your post with interests we can exchange opinions perhaps. X
Hi paulapips64
I want to wish you all the best of luck with your pain management clinic appointment. I would have thought that your first appointment would be akin to an assessment to see what your issues involve and then how they can help you?
There are so many options open to them for pain relief it is a question of what they think would help you best? You may be offered acupuncture? Or exercises? Or even medication?
So as Rosewine says, go prepared? Get your questions ready and your input of what is acceptable and not acceptable for you!
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
If you haven't done a pain management course you could ask if they have one. Just finished mine and it was amazing. So useful
Thank you crop I'm hoping it too will be amazing for me too x
The only way they helped me was teaching me how to pace myself very useful. Then they showed us som knee excersise a and from that day ( with no problem in knee) I now have a serious problem that the osteopath can not sort , it's so painful I can't even have a news paper on imy knee and have had to buy a bed frame to keep duvet off my knees . I wish you well though at mine there was no help or talk of changing meds just trying to get us to stop taking so many .
I agree with rosewine, write everything you want to go over down. Even the little things that you may not concider important. Don't hold back, as they need to know how much you are suffering. The more information the better. I hope your visit goes well sweetheart and you get the relief you seek. Let us know how it goes. xxxx Mitzi
Thanks for your reply but just remember it may be ok at the one you attend .Go with an open mind and like rosewine said write it down because you will forget.All the best and please let me know how you get on .x