Hi I have my first appointment at the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi I have my first appointment at the hospital next week with a rheumatoligst and was wondering what to expect?

fybro1976 profile image
9 Replies
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fybro1976 profile image
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9 Replies
bluebell99 profile image

Hi fybro1976

Take a family member or good friend who can support you. Wear loose, easy to remove clothing as he may want to examine you fully to see where you are hurting most and if you have muscle weakness and/or joint pain.

You may be weighed and height checked, also blood pressure. You may have blood tests.

Write a list of your symptoms and how they affect your day to day life. Include things that make your condition worse, or better. This is where your companion can help as they can confirm how you are. Take a list of medications you are already taking and if you feel they are working/not working.

Also write any questions, and note the doctor's answers. If you are given a prescription ask about side effects and what to expect.

When the appointment ends, ask for a copy of the letter the rheumy is sending to your GP. You must ask when you are in there as all your notes are in front of him, after you leave he is already looking at the next patient's notes. Don't be shy in asking for copies of blood tests or letters, under the Patient's Charter you are entitled to see anything that relates to you as a patient.

Hope this helps, good luck!!

Betty67 profile image

Bluebell covered most of it I would just like to add that I found the appointment very tiring so good to have a driver and think about what else you are doing that day. You might also have an injection and while they help in the long term in the short term they hurt.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi fybro1976

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I have pasted you a link below to medical net that explains all about Rheumatology and what happens, so I hope that you find this useful:


I want to wish you all the best of luck with your appointment and please keep us all up to date with how you get on?

All my hopes and dreams for you


renrobin profile image

When I saw mine he dismissed fibro.

He asked me to lie down and raise my legs in the air ( at the time I was really suffering with my hips) and because I found it difficult he said that I needed physio to strengthen my muscles! There is nothing wrong with my muscles ( I used to do Pilates apart from being painful ) he then said I have multiple joint problems and doesn't agree with Fibromyalgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Insist that you want every test going to diagnose it because you need the correct medication to be able to live your life as normal as possible.

Physio helped me but my therapist agreed that there is nothing wrong with the strength of my muscles and agreed with me that I DO have Fibromyalgia...

I fight pain every day, luckily my meds help and I don't seem to be getting any worse but there are so many things that I can't do ant more.

Good luck and let us know the outcome.

Gentle hugs

Ren x

Midori profile image

Not all Rheumys are Fibro-friendly, It's just the same thing as was going on 20 years ago with M.E. They used to call it 'Yuppie Flu' and said it was all in the mind; now it's our turn.

bluebell99 profile image


Best to go with an open mind, let him suggest the name of your condition to you. Most doctors do not like to be told, they are the experts after all.! He will also need to eliminate other conditions which can mimic fibro. Do not be surprised if he will not commit to a definite diagnosis this time.


fybro1976 profile image

Hi thanks to all who replied, took over a year to get the appointment so hopefully get a diagnosis to what's wrong with me, and get some help.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to fybro1976

Just want to say, good luck fybro1976, hope that appointment goes well for you.


kmc-cudsleepforaweek profile image
kmc-cudsleepforaweek in reply to fybro1976

Hi, I wish you the best of look with your appt. My experience was wonderful, after being mis-diagnosed with OA for 7mths, I again went back because my med. wasn't working to see a locum who advised me that she thought it was FM and referred me to a rheumy. The apt. couldn't have been more re-assuring, she listened to me, examined me thoroughly and explained that it was her opinion that I have FM. She then discussed Physio (which was specifically related to FM and similar conditions, she also discussed CBT, which I don't think i'm ready for just yet!!! She sent me to neuropathy to have my nerve endings tested (all good) and I have a follow up appt. in August. Oh and she also prescribed Pregabalin to me. I hate (know it's harsh but i do) my GP.s and am so grateful now to have a sympathetic ear in the medical profession.

I truly hope you have a similar experience and get out of it what you need.

Good luck, Kmc x

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