Hi all, I'm new here.
I just got my appointment letter for my new Maximus assessment (they cancelled my original one in May).
I am currently on IR ESA WRAG following a successful tribunal in 2013. 15 points for walking and another section (can't remember right now). I was supposed to be reassessed after 6months, but I think I slipped through the books for a bit.
I only want to be on ESA until September as I start full-time University. I have been slowly getting better, and building myself up to go to University which is something I've always wanted to do.
I can manage my pain to a certain degree, but like most with Fibro, I get days where I can't move. I still walk with a walking stick, and cannot go up more than 3 steps. Also cannot walk for long distances (by long I mean more than a few minutes really) without severe pain. AND I'm not getting much sleep because of night time cramps and pain. My work adviser said I was robbed of Support Group as I could not do anything really at the time of my Tribunal (I stayed inside and was rarely able to get out of bed).
I want to know if anyone else had a Maximus assessment and how bad it was. I've only ever dealt with ATOS and we all know how bad they were (my adviser was one of those smiley people who lie on your assessment form).
If all goes to s**t then I will go on JSA. but I don't think I will be able to handle the stress of the assessment, moving (from Wales to London on Sept 1st) AND starting University. Especially if they fail me.