I like this view. It was a lovely autumn day, neither too warm or cold. It looks like natural wilderness yet it's full of human signs. It's not a lake its a 20th century reservoir. The lifebelt was edited out as just plain offensive to the eye. There's a Neolithic hut circle middle right. The almost invisible pimple in the horizon is a china clay tip. There's the remnant of a vapour trail in the sky. Nevertheless it was one of the most peaceful sites (sights) I've ever seen. I like the way the eye is guided to the far corner of the "lake"
Peace to All: I like this view. It was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Peace to All

beautiful! It looks peaceful, where is it?
It's one of those "secret" places that is more than 2 miles from the car park so 98% of people have got bored and left it to me and a couple of other nuts. Avon Reservoir, Dartmoor.
Nearby there's a disused narrow gauge railway. I'd love to go back some day.
I thought it was Loch Ness? And any minute a huge Plesiosaur would stick it's head up out of the water and roar!!!!!!!!!!!! But then I do live in a fantasy world of Daleks and David Attenborough?
Thank you for sharing this with us all it is so beautiful.
And who clicked "recommend"? Don't encourage him.
Nessie would have died of oxygen starvation in the ice age. But there might have been an Ice Warrior. Remember General Sordak?
Now you are talking my kinda language! General Sordak has rallied his Ice warrior troops to face the Sea Devils who have left their subterranean base under The North Sea!
Jon Peartwee is all excited and cannot help himself! He steals an ice cream from a little girl? What?
Message from Doctor Tom Baker "would you like a jelly baby"?
Coincidentally, I have a bag on my computer desk and I have just eaten a red one! Can't have too many as it will be dinner time soon.
Ah Dartmoor Camp wondeful place by the gushing gurgling river , right over the tops. My Mother and Uncle used to camp there in the 30's a much loved place all around.
My Mum had a champion Dartmoor Pony called "the Leat" a champion of champions.
What a fantastic place to pitch a tent, fishing for hubby, long walks for Meg and I.
Well I can dream can t I??

There's a hut near Postbridge where you park by the road and the owner takes you up by tractor, and you can stay isolated the whole time.

Sure can It's how I live a lot of my life. In my head
Thanks for the gift of peace. I can almost imagine the call of a lark amidst the silence.
We used to go up on the moor near the Cheddar gorge. I still visualize the hair bells nodding their heads as we walked by. We would lie in the long grass on a sunny afternoon and look up at the sky. Up up high a small object fluttering ever so gently and the song so enchanting pipping a truly relaxing air. It was of course a sky lark so wonderful to watch. Showing my age this was in the swinging sixties.
Take care
Mmmm Nedd. And cuckoos in the spring. Although they are getting rarer, Dartmoor is a hotspot.
A very poetic description Mr badger and a beautiful peaceful picture
have been here several times and it is also magical at night.
Boing! boing! boing!
Sorry! did I shatter your peace and quiet Kettle?
xxx POT
Beautiful and serene, thanks Badger x