Hi all tried to write a post 2 weeks ago but my signal wasn't very good in hospital.
Was admitted to hospital on Friday 4th April at 3am as I was suffering from chronic kidney pain. I had got to the point my medication wasn't working either was a hot bath or my electric blanket.
I ended up ring 111 speaking to someone and answering millions of questions. Then I had to wait for a doctor to ring anyway.
Was in Sunderland Royal Hospital for 10 days, had to see physio and OT before I was allowed to come home.
Physio said I was okay to come home even-though my legs kept giving way. 'Its safe for you to go home' hello no it's not if my legs are giving way... It's cause you have been in bed... Nothing to do with it..
I have an appointment with my consultant at the end if the month and I really feel sorry for him.. As I'm going to put a complaint in about the nurse... As she told me that I shouldn't be on benefits as I'm capable of working (not her place to say that at all!) and sent me home with a UTI as I've been on antibiotics.
I have give from being on 10 tablets a night to 24+ a day and also on a controlled drug Oxycodone and Oxynorm liquid 5ml every 2 hours. I was taken to accident and emergency the other night cause my feet are swollen to the have a paramedic to turn round vas say they look normal to me... (The reason why I was taken to hospital was because the people I rang on 111 were concerned because I had pins and needle and numbness down the side of my leg) so they said I needed to be taken to the hospital urgently. However that call was at 12am I didn't get to the hospital till 3:40am.. But was. Discharged the same night.
But I have to say the lady I saw from OT, was a lovely lady called Tonee.. Who has also agree a wheelchair would also benefit me for when I'm out and about as I keep falling over and keep falling over inside my flat, so I have an appointment with wheelchair services on 29th April so I will let you know how I get on.. I did try and see social services to see if I can get some support and they refused because they only saw me last year?! I'm obviously not that important enough to need extra support.. The nurse (who is I ever see will let it off me) turned round and said if you want extra support you will have to pay for it.. My reply AND??
But looks like I'm going to have to go on the sick on this medication. Cause when I take it, it makes me want to sleep. But I was also informed that I should be on high care and high mobility with having kidney disease. So I might contact the C.A.B about it while I'm contacting with about debt relief "kill 2 birds with 1 stone as they say" as I'm hoping to get a wheelchair. To try and get highest rate mobility so I can get a car
Means once I need to be moving on from the ground floor flat I live in now I can try and apply for a bungalow as it be easier if hopefully, il have my wheelchair and be using it more often, my plan is get a quickie wheelchair (if someone on here has one would love to no which one and what your option is about them please). Is to use it when I'm out and about instead of popping pills and/or having to go home cause the pain is to much for me.
So I'm currently sitting at mine with abnormal FAT feet
I was going to put a pic up of my swollen feet but can't never mind. I can only move 2 toes on each foot... My big and second toe in