I have been told that I might be able to attend this course and wondered if anyone else had been on it and was it beneficial. It does sound good.
Has anyone been on a two week hospita... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone been on a two week hospital in-patient fibromyalgia treatment course?
Hello Shushkin,
When I was first diagnosed I was offered a 4 week Input inpatient course with help from Physios, CBT, DR's nurses etc but at the time I didn't take it up as I was making good progress to pace, exercise etc at the time and felt I could manage to learn to live with condition on my own. I went on to have about 2 years of a fairly good quality of life, however since having my baby the demand on my body has caused a dip which I am trying to work through at the moment.
If I was offered it now I would jump at the chance personally. Fibro is physical but there is ways you can learn to live with it and the impact of the symptoms. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), relaxation & management courses etc do have there place alongside other treatments including adequate pain relief with recommended Fibro medications. A combined approach is often the best way to manage the condition, the problem lies when you have other conditions which cause other problems possibly limiting your ability to do gentle exercise, pacing etc
I personally feel any management courses are beneficial even if you take one thing away from it that helps! I wonder what others will say about there experiences?
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hi Shushkin
Unfortunately, I have never been offered such a course but would jump at it. I did watch a programme on TV about a Welsh unit and its work in pain management. The majority of people who had attended the course and stuck to it right through the 2 week period seemed to gain a grater insight into their condition and although of course there were no miraculous cures they all seemed to say they were in less pain and able to manage their life better. Hope you take the opportunity and get good benefits from itxx
Hi shushkin
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I will be totally honest with you and say that I have never heard of any two week inpatient treatment courses, it is a new one on me! It sounds an absolutely wonderful opportunity to maybe seek some answers?
If you decide to undergo this course, given the opportunity, I am convinced that the vast majority of members would be exceedingly interested in everything that transpires during your time in hospital?
I want to wish you the best of luck with this.
Thanks for the replies, they are much appreciated. I have been having a bad time of it with an increase in pain levels over the last couple of months. Just when you think things cant get any worse!
It was at the Pain clinic that I was told that there was a possibility of attending this course. They didnt think they were able to give me enough support. Fingers crossed something comes of this. I am sure that obtaining the funding is key to this.
I will of course let you know what happens.
I am waiting for a place for this 2 as a day each week at a unit for 9 weeks for something similar they say I would have no benefit as I would be travelling to far and it would undo all the work they do during the day I have an open mind to this as a friend went on a inpatient course and has had no benefits