As many of you have posted my pain too is on the increase and I think I have flu also. I've not managed the gym for a few days. Sleeps down to three hours a night. Anyone else struggling more than usual?
Skin painful to touch ... Even clothi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Skin painful to touch ... Even clothing hurts

Hi Emjane
I'm with you thre. I have just replied to an e mail from a friend asking how I am and I actually said that the only way I could explain how my joints and muscles felt was for her to try and recall how she felt when she had terrible flub. I know it is the fibro as I haven;t got any other flu like symptoms. I wonder whether it is the changeable weather. I commiserate about the not sleeping to be honest 3 hours seems like luxury to me. The pain always seems worse at night doesn't it. I suppose we lie there thinking everyone else in the world is having a good night but of course we in the fibro community know what it is to do without sleep on a regular basis.Hope you get a better night and some better days. Big hugsxx
Hi rosewine
I am so sorry to read that you are also feeling under the weather with your Fibro, it would appear that many of us are? I do not know why but I am answering a lot of posts from members feeling the same way?
I genuinely hope that you start to feel better soon.
Ken x
Hi emjane4465
I am so sorry to read that you are still really struggling at this time, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue.
I can totally understand that you are unable to attend the gym at the moment, and I would have thought if you have the flu it will be a couple more weeks before you are well enough? Have you ever asked your GP about having a flu jab in the winter? I find they help tremendously.
I want to wish you lots of luck and best wishes and hope that you feel better soon.
Take care
Ken x
All my symptoms are worse than usual, with the flu like feeling.
I am spending a lot of time in the bath it`s the only thing that soothes my skin,from the burning, itchy prickly sensations that set off restless legs and that means I cant rest I have to keep walking about and that makes all the back pain ect worse. Its a circle that only a bath can cure even if it is painful getting in it.
hugs sue
Hi emjane, problem sleeping, wednesday awake til 6.30 in morning, thursday 3am, friday 4.30 am. Neck and shoulders so painful can hardly move, migraines and severe joint paint. Really depressed this morning, sometimes just too much.
Hi maryrose, i am doing same as you, only relief to be found in bath. Got back up last night about 2 am and ran bath, hating nights at the moment. Not like me but feel really negative just now, even writing this brings tears to my eyes. Sorry to be so sad.
Hi Shazzy All iv`e wanted to do today is curl up in my chair to ease the pains in my back, leg muscles and right ankle but as soon as the pain killers start to wear off the pain in my hip starts. then it`s been get up and find some jobs to to until I can take more pain killers. One thing I hate is that I have my restless legs under control most of the time but any pain or discomfort even a slight itch will start it off during a flair. so instead of resting I have to keep walking about making all the other pains worse
As I have said to my hubby if only I could sleep in the bath I`d be ok.
I do count my blessing though before I was put onto Ropinerole I suffered RSL all day every day the only sleep i got for years was 1 or 2 hours when I collapsed due to exhaustion.
Smile and keep telling yourself that this will pass, eventualy hugs sue and may we all sleep tonight
Thanks Sue, thanks for message, much appreciated, fingers crossed for tonight.