Update! struggling at work: Hello... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Update! struggling at work

Angel8 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone hope u are all feeling as good as can be with this horrid health condition.

I wrote a few weeks ago how am struggling at work full time and my boss is now being awkward with me saying how am not doin a good job how slow I am etc, told him my disability does make me slow with it affecting my memory and concentration. My disabilty support worker, me and the boss had the meeting añd it was awful I broke dwn he was saying am too slow, making mistakes which I am I did admit but who doesn't make mistakes been at my job for 2 months only. He said I sit there and do nothing wen I finish my work which is so untrue as every job I had I have always asked for something to do or always find something to do as I dnt like to sit there doin nothing and I like my time to faster . After a few truth and mostly lies from the boss I figured he just wants me out otherwise y would they lie. (He gt his 2 employers to support him as they work with me). he said I was doin really well in the 2 weeks I started but wen I told him that I have a disability he started saying that am not doin too well. when I started I didn't tell them about my disabilty. I feel really down, guilty cos can't do some of the jobs and feel angry. It's as he looking for faults to get rid of me I would but need the money. I have been given two weeks to improve otherwise I might loose my job he hasn't said that but I think it. I work really hard and get all my jobs done and he says I dnt. This is what upsets me as every job I have had have never ever had any complaints about me or my work. Just so sick and tired about being sick and tired its had if I have been made to feel guilty about having this disabilty and I do cos I can do much to help only try my best which I am but it's not good enough. Thank u for reading my boring rant.

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Angel8 profile image
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16 Replies

Hi angel

Sorry for your situation.

Are in a union? They will be best to advise of your rights and give support at any further meetings. There is also the citizens advice who can give you further advice and info.

If you have fibromyalgia you are covered under the equality act. Ask your union rep about this. Good luck xx

Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to

Thank u for your reply I will go see my citizens advice. I am not in a union. I do have fibromyalgia and also ulcerative colitis and endometerosis. My fibromyalgia is the one that is keeping me from doin a good job and is the one that is always paining me. I have been planning to see a citizens advice bureau but am working 8.30-5 so dnt get a chance and already I have taken 3-4 days off in the 2 months since I started work so they ain't happy about that either and also I am on a 6 months probation. I am looking for a part time job as I feel that would be better for me. I took this full time job as I was thinking positive that I can do full time and started to actually believe it too that I took this job once in realised I can't part of it was probs wishful thinking too. Thank u for your advise will def look into it an pay them a visit will book a holiday for it. X

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Angel8

I am so sorry that things have not picked up for you at work, I remember your previous post and how upset you were then and how hard you try at work. I think seeing the CAB would be a great idea and possibly even a private meeting with your disability support worker and see if it is feasible for her to sit in on you working for a day or two so she can see for herself that you are a hard worker and try your best.

It would make the managers job harder to get rid of you if she was to witness you working?

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you for your support I didn't think it would go any better either.

Hi Angel8,

I can't offer any further advice than you have already been given. I would agree with Ken, if you could have some one monitor your working day it would help your case.

I hope you manage to get it sorted amicably, it is bad enough suffering with your illness without your boss picking on you.

Best of luck and well wishes, Susan x

Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to

Hello tiredalot40 hope u are as well as u can be. I will be having my disabilty support worker comin to monitor as she said but now I dnt think there is any point as I dnt want to in this job for long. Can't work with these people who dnt support or help people with a bit disability. They hate it people taking time off for watever reasons. As this lady been off as she had a pinch nerve in her legs and one side of her body was numb she thought she was having a stroke at first, she didn't come to work and everyone at work said its only a pinched nerve I had it before and it's not that bad they dnt think everyone's different the pain is different for people too. They have no sympathy for anyone

in reply to Angel8

That's the problem, if you are fine everyone else is too, or so they think. Not everyone reacts the same way to situations, illnesses or pain. I hope you can get things sorted to suit you, in the meantime, this forum is good place to let off steam :) take care, Susan xx

Royalspec01 profile image

Hi there it must be absolutely devastating to be in your position at the moment I can remember that I couldn't do more that three shifts when I could work like 16 hours plus, then only one hour a day. I don't know what the answer is for you right now but I do know that I believe if id known how important to manage my fibro back then was and I think I could have prevented it from progressing to how I am now, ( my symptoms are always and always will be just around the corner if im not careful. Well say no more you probably know )You say you are looking for part time hours this sounds great cause as much as you want to fight on with this job the demoralising attitude your employers are taking will up your stress. For instance would you take a tablet that would up all your fibro symptoms no I don't think you would.

I really believe that my fibro was attained by my work environment who continually targeted and discriminated on me for 5 to six years I should have got out years ago but survival has this obsessive side that make one stick at things. May I suggest your take a step back seat and value yourself a little and consider a new job. There are tax credits that can help you to and then sometime little extras like prescriptions may be cheaper worth looking into just little things that may help you improve your future good luck and your take care your worth it we all need you here too lol really do hope something nice comes along for you. xx fibro friend

Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to Royalspec01

Hello royalspecs1 thank u for ure msg. I am struggling and now hate coming to work cos of how they are with me. I am goin to quit but working so I can get this months wage to keep me goin for a bit. By end of this month I am Giving in my notice. I am getting stressed and probs making my illness even worse too. I will be looking into tax credits etc too.

mikeymoo profile image

Dear Angel8,

I have been through exactly the same thing at work although I have been with the same employer for 7 years. I work for the Police & was employed as a PCSO for over five years. The last 2 years as a PCSO they were putting me through a disciplinary procedure, even though I told them about my disability. I got my union involved and got moved to a temporary position. At a meeting my boss was moving me to stage 2 of the Capability procedure meaning they could soon get rid of me through the 'back door'. I was put on Medical Cabability and given 90 days notice. I put in an official grievance against my bosses & HR under the Equalities Act for the whole sorry process. The Inspector and HR manager quashed the capability (disciplinary) procedure allowing me to apply for a new job as a Clerical Officer. I have held the job for 18 months but after numerous mistakes due to fatigue and concentration issues I find myself unable to cope any more. I am waiting to see an Occupational Health doctor to decide if I will be medically discharged:-(

I say for you Angel8 to see if there are any 'reasonable adjustments' your boss can make so you can stay at work. They have to do this under the Equalities Act. I hope that you manage to sort it, your local Citizens Advice will help you. Gentle hugs, Mike.x

Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to mikeymoo

Thank u mikeymoo

U HAVe been a lot feel for u its horrible and fustrating. I would go further but I think it's no point as they all stick together even wen some know that I have been working hard. Feel nothing would come off it if I did. I know I am doin the same thing with my fibro fog, loss of concentration and focus. I am making mistakes getting really tired where I go sleep on my dinner as I can't keep my eyes open tend to fall asleep at work at times finding it hard but will go citizens advice to seek some help thank u. Hope it all goes well for u with the occ health.

Angel8 profile image

Thank u all for ure support and advice am taking it all on board and will contact citizens advice bureau.

Will update soon thank u again.

moonstonebright profile image

Hi Angel8, I'm really sorry to hear about your difficulties at work. I can identify a little as I had to take ill health retirement from my job in the NHS because of my fibro and Lymphoedema. I struggled on for about 18 months longer than I should have but finally had to give in. Does your work have an Occupational health department? If so you should try to get to see them and CAB too. You are entitled to take a day off sick if necessary to see CAB as it is related to your ill health. Your employer cannot dismiss you due to illness. Good Luck


Angel8 profile image
Angel8 in reply to moonstonebright

Hope u are ok. I have an appt on tues 8th April to see the disabilty work and pension at jobcentre as I explained to him that I want to quit my job and would I still be able to claim joseekers as I will need some income coming in if I do quit not if wen I do. I will then go see CAB too. I have taken a holiday that day so I can sort some things out. Thank u for your support wish u well.

moonstonebright profile image

In order to claim job seekers, I might be wrong but you might need to go off sick and to then be dismissed on ill health grounds with the advice from CAB or Occupational health. I don't know if you would be entitled if you just quit your job and then you'd have no come back if you need to apply for an ill health retirement pay off. It obviously depends on your company policies etc. Maybe go on the government website and google if you can receive jobseekers if you quit a job.

Good luck with your appointment on Tuesday.


Angel8 profile image

Hi thank u for your reply I have spoken to the jobcentre advisor and the disability work and pensions as I want to quit but wanted to make sure that I would be able to claim they said I could as I left on health grounds and also tha I gave it a go. So I will give my resignation in soon and will leave at the end of the month.

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