Disciplinary hearing at work. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Disciplinary hearing at work.

Simmeke83 profile image
39 Replies


I was wondering if any of you ever had anything like this happened before.

I have been at work today and my partner messaged me I have a letter in the post saying I have a disciplinary meeting at work coming Tuesday cause my employer complained I had too many days off which stated, 17days from November to November. I work 4 days a week. They know about my fibro and chronic fatigue I have been with them for 4 years now.

I have only provided them with a print of my medical records which was given to me by my previous doctor. I wonder if that is enough to prove I have these conditions. It states there I have fibromyalgia and mild chronic fatigue. I was never asked by my employer for anything else to prove this.

I had to change the surgery due to the move and my current doctor is in the middle of doing refferal to pain clinic and I had my blood done recently again. But she doesn't know me well so I'm not sure if she will provide me with a supporting letter.

I am very worried because my company is small and this meeting is going to be led by people from HR private company who was hired by my boss. I am scared they going to try to catch me on everything I say.

I have never had this problem and I'm not even sure what I can do here I have only weekend and no doctors or CAB is open and have to be back to work on Monday.

Has anybody have any advice please I'm desperate.

Thank you


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Simmeke83 profile image
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39 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi there Kami, I am not an expert on this but can not see why you can not get your GP to write you a cover note. It does not matter if they know you 10 days or 10 yrs all your latest and recent results will be on the GP's computer. They usually charge for this service just tell them what you need.

The other thing you could do which i have done often in the past with no bother at all. Write a note to you practise manager asking for a a copy of your test results and remember to put the dates of the tests you want the copies from. You can then take these along to the meeting .

Good Luck and i hope all go's well {{hugs}}


Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Dizzytwo

Thank you for your reply will contact the doctors on Monday and fingers crossed will be able to get it asap :) hugs

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

Contact ACAS first and then CAB

Write a letter to your employer and give t to them on Monday morning. In the letter you can say that you would like more time to prepare for the meeting and consult with some advisors and you think that 2 working days is not a reasonable amount of notice. 3 working days would be the min I would expect.

Also is it a disciplinary meeting or an investigation meeting? They should hold and investigation meeting and then review the conclusions of this and then arrange a disciplinary meeting.

ACAS will help you.

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to desquinn

Lovely thank so much. I will look into this options and definitely writhe the letter and contact acas :)

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to desquinn

I think it's investigation as it states it's been investigated by HR that my manager complained about my absence.

hf1981 profile image
hf1981 in reply to desquinn

I agree totally with this. You need to confirm that it is an investigatory meeting and that you need more time to prepare and get advice

Good luck

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to hf1981

Thank you yes will be postponing. Will email HR to state one working day is not sufficient time.

Jurph profile image

I would suggest you take someone with you for any formal meetings as a witness as well.

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Jurph

I can only take a member of staff and none of those people are sensible to take I have only 3 options or a member of union party which doesn't exist

kimey007 profile image

Hi i only work 2 days a week and have lost 8 days off sick due to fibro and recently being disgnosed with occipertal neuralgia, my employers and not very understanding ! So what i did was to give copies of both letters i received from my consultants with my diagnosis to my manager to put on file. Also i have regular meetings with occupational health who also support me. I appoligise for spelling fibro fog lol ! Good luck take care xx

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to kimey007

No occupational health has ever been in the picture where I work also I am just being referred to pain clinic and doctors said it's going to be difficult as it is as NHS is busy. Unfortunately I have no letters from consultants :(

Don_in_midlands profile image


Ok, in the first instance, your employer should have referred you to occupational health, so that they can find out what is going on with your health and the things that you are doing to try to stay in work (e.g. Resting on your days off, physio, referrals to pain clinic)

You are covered by The Equality Act, which states that your employer must exhaust all reasonable adaptations to your work to try to keep you there (e.g. A comfy seat, change in work hours, etc) If they require advice regarding this, that is when they should involve HR. HR can then meet with you to see what changes you require, which they then report back to your employer. They then decide if the changes are reasonable adaptations.

What is your sickness policy? It is normally if you have over a certain % of your working time off sick, that should trigger a meeting with your manager. There should be stages to your sickness - stage 1 is the initial meeting with your manager, where they discuss what the problem was and how they can help you generally, in the workplace. Stage 2 is where they refer you to occupational health and HR & then act upon their advice. Stage 3 is then where they look at your 'fitness for purpose' (e.g. are you physically able to do the job). It normally takes approx a year to get to stage 3 and that would be if you continuously had time off sick.

As other people have said, do ask for more time to prepare (e.g. Get medical reports/evidence) and to also ask for clarification as to what stage of the sickness policy you are at.

This is only from personal experience - I went through all of this with the NHS. Even tho you say the company is only small, they should still have this sickness policy in place.

Best of luck x

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Don_in_midlands

I have just received my staff handbook yesterday so about to study it today. But from I saw when I browsed through is similar to what you have written about stages. Meaning they haven't even bothered to speak to me.

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Simmeke83

And thank you for your reply :)

Don_in_midlands profile image
Don_in_midlands in reply to Simmeke83

Hmm after reading all of the comments below this as well, if they did dismiss you, you can take them to 'unfair dismissal' court proceedings. If you don't even have a formal contract, that is illegal. Also, being given the staff handbook only yesterday beggars belief. Even though they're a small company, they still have to work to legal policies.

If they are overstaffed & have chosen you to dismiss, again, that reeks of unfair dismissal. Unless your standard of work is below acceptable, then they have to show why they have chosen you, and if this is because of sickness leave, due to your disability, then you have them under the equality act. If they had followed the sickness policy to the letter, then they would be in a better position, but as they have gone about this completely incorrectly, then the law is on your side.

I would also advise taking someone to the meeting, just so they can be a witness and your employer/HR cannot say you said something, when you didn't.

Also, keep a note of any meetings that you have (and any that you've had in the past, if you can remember!) At each meeting, ask what stage of the sickness policy you are at (they should inform you of this in the letter to 'invite' you to the meeting, but it shows you know what you're on about).

Finally, if you live in Coventry, send me a message and I'll come with you!! I love to fight employers like this 😆

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Don_in_midlands


Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I live in Norwich so a bit far I'd love to have someone like you with on a meeting haha

Don_in_midlands profile image
Don_in_midlands in reply to Simmeke83

Well I hope that things go along ok and am always happy to help :0)

Take care & best wishes x

Thankful profile image

Fibromalgia has at least been recognised as a lifelong illness. This was only recently. Look online and get a print out of this to take as well. Your company might be looking ling term and seeing that you will be taking time off intermittently ling term If they are a small Company they may not be in a position to fund any temporary fill in staff. If you look on your Contract there may be something about it. I know this is happening in loads of Companies. Its a pity you attention a Union because a Union Rep could have fought your case. Look at the website Bullying in the Workplace. There might be something on there that will help. It is a very good site. You can't be sacked with one Disciplinary surely. Usually. It is a verbal warning. Then a written warning and the third time terminated. Do check your contract. All the best with this. Xx

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Thankful

Unfortunately what I think is happening is that the company has too many employees atm and they pushed me out of every job I was doing and now they give me 'scraps' and it is their way of saying they want me out. I have a contract that was never extended apart from verbal contract. My boss doesn't 'belive' in contracts.

Thank you :)

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Simmeke83

That is illegal. It doesn't matter what your boss believes, the law states that a contract has to be given. You could report your boss for failing to give you a contract. Seems like he is trying to avoid his responsiblities. CAB and ACAS are the first people to contact, alternatively an employment solicitor could advise. Whatever happens, don't quit. Make them dismiss you. it will put all the aces in your basket if it comes to suing them.

CarolineC57 profile image
CarolineC57 in reply to Midori

Wow! Yes, as Midori says above, Simmeke83 , that is totally illegal! They definitely aren't allowed to say they "don't believe in contracts". Please fight this in the way others have suggested here. Sorry you're having to go through this, especially when you're ill, but they can't bully you like this. Good luck!

Denm27 profile image

I'm not sure they can start with a disciplinary meeting. They MUST give two warnings, the first verbal, (which I know it sounds daft), which they must give you written proof of giving it to you. The second is a written warning, before they can take disciplinary action, at the THIRD warning. I believe this is a statutory law that they have to take. If you go before this HR company, I'm sure that they will confirm this. Good luck. D

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Denm27

Thank you. Well this is what I thought as well always. I think they want to get rid of me.

Denm27 profile image
Denm27 in reply to Simmeke83

They might, but if they do, you need to make them pay. Don't go in alone, or you have no witness as to what is said. Also Citizens Advice can be helpful and it's free. D

Lynda1957 profile image
Lynda1957 in reply to Denm27

You could ask for a C.A.B member of staff with you if and when it goes to disciplinary. Contact them ASAP. Good luck x

Heliboy911 profile image

You can ask for a delay of the interview in order to get your facts/paperwork together before you attend This will give you more time to see your Dr or even see the CAB

Simmeke83 profile image
Simmeke83 in reply to Heliboy911

Hello Thank you. Yes I will be trying to postpone it. :)

You can request more time as it is in your interests to be properly prepared. You need a copy of the company's sick policy and from that you can work out if they have gone through the stages (processes) of the policy correctly. You are allowed to take someone into the meeting with you but I really think in the first instance you need to have time to arrange this and get a copy of the sick policy. This meeting appears to have jumped all the 'normal' stages and gone from one to four without paying attention to following the sick policy. If you feel you need to attend I would see if at that meeting you can halt the process, to request more time to prepare and go through the company's sick policy. Also I agree with the comment from admin that the GP will support you with a letter regardless of how long you have known them, although if I am really honest GP letters have less and less weight now. Check if your company have an Occupational Health department as they can support you better in the work place and also make recommendations to your employer. 17 days in one year on 4 days per week probably exceeds most companies sick leave policy of 10 days but you are supposed to have meetings after every episode of sick leave and there is a process to follow, such as the stages of the sick policy. Please don't let yourself be bullied into thinking you need to go ahead with the meeting until you have had a chance to prepare. Also if this company have bought in HR they can buy in Occupational Health, as under the Equality Act you can be classed as disabled, which may sound extreme but it protects you a bit with your employer having to provide you with reasonable support to carry out your duties. Hope this makes sense and good luck!

twinks profile image

I just looked at the cab website re disaplinary help at work,

1 they should have sent a letter outlining the problem, which gives you the chance to speak informally. (as they've not done this they've gone straight to the formal route)

2 Write a letter and speak to Manager, Hr on Monday, you need to rearrange the meeting as you need time to prepare.

3 Definitely have someone with you, even a family member friend Not necessarily work colleague.

They should take notes.

4 If work knows about your illnesses you can be covered by the equalities act, they should make reasonable adjustments for you.

Definitely do not be pushed into this rushed meeting, are you in a union?

Make sure you have someone with you

Claire133 profile image

Hi Kami

Sorry to hear this, you must be very nervous and totally understandable.

I lost my very first full time job for having too many days off ill with recurrent tonsillitis, many many years ago now. At the time it didn't particular upset me so I just got another job, but 24 years on, I'm a lot wiser and I now know that there are things you can do, and that they cannot just rid you for being generally unwell.

Firstly off I were you I would write the GP a letter requesting him to write a letter confirming your illness and diagnosis, and attach a copy of the letter that your employer sent you. He'll see how urgent it is from that. Put it in an envelope marked Very Urgent and post it through your GP practice door on the way to work,if they're not open.

Because they are springing this on you so quickly, there's not a huge amount you can do to prepare, but you could take tonight and tomorrow, printing off some facts from FMUK website and Google explaining about chronic fatigue, though in fact it should be covered on FMUK website as we do suffer chronic fatigue as part of the condition. If you got some information about the condition, the employer might be more understanding and empathetic.

You could also print off some information about Disability Discrimination from Gov.UK website and Diability Rights UK website, as well as unfair dismissal, and keep it all in your bag. If they turn nasty and tell you they're 'letting go of you're as some do, take the bundle out of your bag, hand it to them, and say "I'd like to leave you with this", and then when you get home, make an application to The Employment Tribunal.

Here's a link if they do sack you, gov.uk/dismissal/what-to-do...

Hope things go ok and please let us know how things go.

Claire x

Simmeke83 profile image

OMG I am so overwhelmed by the support everyone is giving me here I am sorry I haven't replied to every single post I'm in the process of research of all those things every single one of you have advised me. I am so grateful for your help and mental support I will keep you updated on the outcome. Thank you again so much glad to know there are people out there than are so kind. Sending lots of love to all of you ! :) XXX

Sarah-Jane profile image

Hi hunni, take a deep breath, you’re okay and you will be okay. Lots of brilliant help here. I was lucky and had a Union to support me, but I did keep my job.

Insist you have time to arrange things, even if they say ‘can they just have a little word?’ Don’t fall for it, take someone else in too! With FM stress makes us less able to think clearly and remember what was said.

They are more likely to let you be if they can see you are not going to be a pushover. You can stay nice and polite but if they insist on this meeting, go but don’t stay. Don’t sit down. Just respectfully say you need time to prepare, as stated in your email, and please email you the new meeting time and date. Then leave.

Only talk to them via email, letter or with company, like a friend. Print every email. Keep everything noted. Time and date too. Keep in a folder at home.

Forward emails to your partner if you can’t do this. You need to build evidence. All my emails too personnel had my initials on the title line so I could track them. They could see what I was doing.

We remained friendly but they were surprised that I stood up for myself. You seem a gentle person so maybe they think an easy target?

All the best

Simmeke83 profile image

Hello just a last bit I need to know . Is fibromyalgia regarded as disability in UK and where can I find such information to print for them.

Thank you


Don_in_midlands profile image
Don_in_midlands in reply to Simmeke83


Fibro is regarded as a disability, and it will be covered under The Equality Act, under the disability section, as fibro fits the criteria.

Also google fibro U.K. Disability - there should be several reports/news items stating that fibro is now classed as a disability in the U.K.

See also:



The Equality Act:


I hope they help x

Simmeke83 profile image


Just letting you guys that were interested how did my meeting go. I am not pleased with it didn't have much chance to explain myself they just shot me with lots of questions, unrelated as well to upset and provoke me. Now waiting for the decision. They gonna contact my doctor and decide if they want to reduce my hours. Also they tried wrong amount of days sick on me and she had one Sunday put as my day sick which is absurd. I never worked weekends. It all caused me such stress I feel like a zombie. Now at work they give me awful tasks to do in a freezing warehouse :( Thank you for all your help xxx

Scarlett7 profile image

Hi there, I've just come across your post (despite being registered with Fibromyalgia action for quite some time), whilst searching the net for any useful info to take with me to the disciplinary hearing I've been summoned up to this coming Monday, to "discuss my unacceptable number of absences", which are all disability related. What was the outcome of your situation?

Best regards


Scarlett7 profile image

Apologies, I've only just managed to get to the very end of all these posts....x

Simmeke83 profile image

Well they didn't want to hear any of my suggestions on how to reduce days were nasty and unsupportive. Caused me such a stress and made me suicidal that I have decided to leave work. Which was the best decision of my life. Now I work somewhere else with wonderful people and less hours. Unfortunately those fucxxxxs for away with it this time. I wasn't in any mental state at that point to take them to tribunal but I regret I didn't.

I hope your meeting goes better than mine wish you all the best xxx


Lulububs profile image


Yes i have had a disciplinary hearing ... they have to give u more time to get ready and also u can tell them u want someone in that meeting with you. Either a friend or a member of ur team or even a legal representative( as in a member of acas or ur union member)

Just ask ur gp to send all ur medical records over for the amount

Of time u have been diagnosed so they can see ur visits to gps, ur diagnosis and all test u have had in that time.

They cannot really do anything ie sack u if u have not been given any written warnings before this hearing....

So that prob what there goin to do.. give u a written warning then they can go about seeing if u keep having time of, there prob give u another one then they can sack u legally but they cannot just do it straight away.

Plus as u are ill they do have to ask u how they can help u at work to make it easier so u dont have sick days so if there is anything that will help u theres ur chance to tell them.

Also u may tell them u are taping it on ur phone so u can take it to a legal representative or the CAB if u cant get anyone to come into that meeting with u but u must tell them u are recording it before u do it and make sure u are on that recording asking for that to b recorded!

That way if u feel u are being unfairly mistreated u have proof if it goes to a tribunal ...

Always cover ur back.

It also a chance for u to have your say as how they can help u... ie a better chair, better hours, less lunch so u can leave earlier ... anything really that u think may help u not b sick so much but they can use this against u to as if they so all that and u still have time of there say “ oh we did everything she asked and she was still sick all time”!

Just tape it would b my advice...

I taped everything...

When mine went to tribunal i won

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