1. What breaks when you say it?
2. What did the shoe say to the foot? (5 word answer)
3. Who swings through the cake shop yodeling ?( not Ken)
4 What runs but never gets anywhere?
5. Why is a Ladies belt like a garbage truck? (10 words )
6. What goes up and down but never moves??
7. What goes around the house and in the house but never touches the house?
8.What goes up and does not come down.?
9 What starts working only when it is fired?
10 What is the longest word in the world ?
11. What has a bottom t the top?
12. The more you take the more you leave behind. What am I?
13 What do hippies do?
14 Whats the last thing you take off before bed?
15. What has no legs but can walk?
16. What bow cannot be tied?
17 What can of dress can never be worn?
18 What kind of coat can you put on only when it is wet?
19 What starts with a P and ends with an e and has a million letters in it?
20. How did vikings send messages?
As these seem to be becoming more ridiculous how about this one
What do you call an elephant who never washes? Why its a Smellyphant of course. Have fun I will pop in and out if anyone wants help