I have not long been diagnosed with fibro and have suffered for years after a few extra blood test I was found to be very low in vit D, then doctors started to beleave I had this pain coming from places were I have no injuries I am a ex soldier who wants to fine anwsers, I have just came across the site and at this moment still holding down a job, just feeding stats in a computer thats the whole thing. but I need to fine out what helps alleviate the pain.
Do compression gloves help and when d... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Do compression gloves help and when during the day or at night in bed try anything cannot even pull the covers up the pain is unreal.

Hello and welcome to the site. Fibro affects everyone differently and likewise different treatments also differ from person to person. a drug that brings relief to one person can course problems in someone else, It is all a matter of trial and error. With your doctor or specialist. If you go to the top of the page and click on the yellow butterfly it will take you to the fibroaction web site why not have a good look around and then you can come back for extra advice or just a chat, a moan or anything else you can think of sue
I have met a man with fibro who is never without his. I have splints, tubigrip, sports wristbands and those hand supports they sell in the pound shops.
welcome to the site
Hi Argylldavie
Firstly, I would like to sincerely welcome you to the site. I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way. I agree with mayrose54, as we are all unique individuals and we all react differently no just to our pain but to our medications also.
I have never used compression gloves or anything like this at all so I am so sorry that I cannot help you with this.
I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your situation.
i do wear supports for my hands during the day but not at night as my hands feel that they need to be free even if they are painful. The important thing for me is to keep stretching my fingers as they want to claw.
Hi argyll davie, i wear wrist supports from the physiotherapy dept, I am in Glasgow and here you can walk into a physio dept and ask for treatment without being sent by doc or anyone else, maybe you could talk to them for help, they can send you to pain clinics etc too if needed. Oh i only wear them during the day ! Good luck.
Forgot, painkillers tramadol and ibuprofen together. Gabapentin neurolgical blocker to stop brain transmitting pain messages, could help with your wrists/hands. Vit d as fibro associated with low levels (which can cause pain too). Need blood test to check. Heat, wether through hot water bottle, water, infra red lamp always helps too.
Hello, I wear fingerless gloves around the house to keep my hands warm. You might want to talk to your GP about gabapentin or a pain reliever. . All the best.