I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia & osteoarthritus. I have been off sick from work since sept. do things get better, i'm struggling with the level of pain & tiredness. What happens when my sick pay stops in march?
Hello: I have just been diagnosed with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi there Square, oh dear, I'm sorry you have got the diagnosis you have, having said that I think you have found what I think is the very best possible site to come to for information, friendship and support.
If you wasn't any information do visit fibroaction.org where there is a mass of information which can be of great use to you. You may well find information there about the situation with your sickness pay, if you are still needing time off work then you will I think, have to apply for ESA, which there is definitely information about on the site. you may also want to speak to your local CAB and see if you are able to apply for Disability Living Allowance (or PIP as it is now) They will also be able to help you greatly if you are having to apply for ESA. Do make sure you do keep copies of all the forms and any correspondence that you have appertaining to any claims.
I can sympathise completely with you on the pain and tiredness, I struggle hugely either with getting no sleep at all or getting sleep but waking up feeling that I've had none at all.
It wears one down very much indeed.
Everyone here is very friendly and has a lot of knowledge which they can share to try and help and support you, we also try to have a bit of fun here and there, which helps to take ones mind off what is going on with your pain levels.
I am sending you lots of positive healing vibes together with a big welcome
Foggy x
Hi SquareD6
Firstly may I welcome you to the site, and I sincerely hope that you find it as useful as I do. I see that Foggy has given you some wonderful advice about benefits and you may want to see what you are entitled to. As everyone is different with their pain and their medication it really is difficult to give you any answers on this except persevere and talk to your GP about pain management. I hope that you have a good GP that you can talk to and will be understanding about how you feel? I would also like to say how sorry I am that you have this illness, but everyone on the site understands what you are going through and will be here if you need any help and advice.
I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution to your pain and financial issues.
All my hopes and dreams for you.
Ken x
Hi there Square D6
I'm sorry that you have been diagnosed with this illness and welcome you to the forum, you have come to the right place, we are all alike and we're quite a friendly bunch that like to care and share. I think Foggy has given you some good advice and the link to our mother site where you will find information regarding benefits fibroaction.org where there is also a wealth of information regarding fibromyalgia. If you need any answers about, doctors or even medicines, alternative medicines there are sections on the fibroaction site if you hit the link above or alternatively click the butterfly in the top right of your screen it will take you there
With respect to benefit advice and sickness benefits you may also wish to check out the Gov site gov.uk/
You'll also find all the categories that are there on the right of this screen which is where you can browse through peoples posts. Sometimes there may be similar Q's to yours so you can read through to check the advice given
The creative corner and comedy corner are quite popular and occasionally we may have a fibro fun and frolic day where we can 'virtually' go anywhere its amazing where we can take our imaginations
However, we do have our serious sides too and are here to help and support if we can.
We all like to blow off steam whether its with a moan or a giggle so please don't be afraid to join in
Looking forward to seeing you around and send fibro busting fluffies {gentle soft hugs} your way to help ease the pain
Hi there squareD6, welcome to our caring, sharing, loving , laughter fibro club, you couldn't have picked a better site, we are all here for one another, I second all that Sian and foggy have said, look forward to reading your posts.....sending you gentle hugs and a handful of sunshine...Dee xx.
hello and welcome to the site, sorry I was unable to talk to you last night, I`ll just say hugs from me as every one else has explained things so well....sue
Welcome square to the best site available for our pains etc. It is so nice to find like minded people who are suffering the way we do. Everyone here is wonderful and nothing is too much trouble. I have the same as you...fibro and osteo. Unfortunately I have to say mine has got worse. I can't take the very strong painkillers cos they contraindicate with my other meds. Today, especially I am in terrible pain with my back. It's been like this for a few days now. It's so bad I can't straighten up at all. It's like toothache, that numbing pain that makes you feel sick and tearful. I'm just hoping that it will improve in a few days. One can only pray!! XX
Hello, thank you to all of you for your warm welcome and advice. I will also try to lift you all through prayer. I had counselling yesterday, week 2 for pain management. The counsellor said as I had scored higher on the questionnaire this week she would have to send a report to my doctor, oops!. I have been told not to try & push myself until I have to stop because of the increased level of pain, but to spread housework etc out by doing a bit & then resting before the pain & the shakes start. It's going to take a while to adjust to slowing down & not trying to do as much. I told the counsellor I just want my life back. Still at least i'm not alone & having read some of your posts I know there is life with fibromyalgia. I have also been told I will probably only get worse, I hurt my back when I was 16 years old & the back specialists told me then that I would be wheel chair bound by the time i was 30 and I would never be able to have children. They were wrong on both counts, I have 2 children and i'm still mobile, no signs of a wheel chair yet. Thank you all again Sarah (My dad always calls me square, hence the username and D6 is for the Pathfinder group I was a leader in b4 I became unwell) Gentle hugs to all XX
Hehehehehe. You'll fit in fine. Foggy and Sian said all that's needed. So I'll just say welcome and send some gentle hugs and soothing vibes.
I did this last year and it was a smooth transition from SSP to ESA. If I remember rightly I applied over the phone and the lady at the other end was really helpful, guiding me to the right information. . Hope it goes well for you.
There should be a way of controlling your pain and I'm afraid to say it's pretty unpredictable as to whether it gets better. We're all different and our bodies respond in different ways. You're on my prayer list. . .
no im sorry to say it will not get easier, i wish that i could say it would,