I live in Scotland in a local authority house. I am unable to get in and out of bath,occ therapy say I need walk in shower which council are refusing me. I pay full rent as my hubby works. They have told me to move house! I feel I am being penalised for being disabled!
Shower: I live in Scotland in a local... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Kobi, I am sorry to hear that your local authority are being so unhelpful. My in laws had a walk in shower installed by the county and the house next door to us has had several modifications as the lady is disabled. I would suggest you contact your local social work department to see what they can do and I think you should go and see your local councillor because they can also be very helpful. Your local citizens advice bureau may also. E able to help. Good luck. Linda
Hi kobi, I am sorry. You having these troubles and that the council is being so difficult. I just wonder if you were to write to your MP and explain your problem to him whether he might fight for you. I have given this advice to others in situations and more have had a good outcome than those who have not. The council tends to sit up and take notice if they get a letter from an MP !
I hope whatever you do that you mange to get the shower you need, and I'm sending positive vibes your way
Foggy x
They won't make modifications if you're earning a certain amount and it sounds like you're over that threshold if you're paying full rent
Nothing to do with income! There are several different housing authorities in my area, if my landlord was any of the other I would get a wet room fitted! My landlord goes by the ruling 'if there are more than three stairs outside your front door then you are deemed able to get in and out of a bath' utter nonsense!
What exactly are they offering if you move house or is that up to you? Does it all depend on hubbys wages? That is the ,most likely scenario. It is the sort of do it yourself or move ! Bad luck xgins
Hi kobi
I am so sorry to hear that you are being denied a basic human need. I would personally go to social services and get them in intercede on your behalf. If your GP is a good one I would ask for a letter to take to social services and I would have thought that they would pay for a shower for you.
I know where I live in Derby that the local council don't pay for these sorts of things directly but it comes from social services budget.
I sincerely hope that you get this situation sorted as soon as possible. I feel very angry on your behalf as I can relate to your issue as my wife (she has MS) and I cannot get in or out of a bath and we have a walk-in shower etc.
Please take care
Ken x
Ask your Local Authority about grants for disabled people. It may be different in Scotland but my mother in England has had a grant for a stairlift and she does not get any benefits at all.
Hi koby u can apply to your local social work office and they will help you.good luck x
My elderly Mum contacted social services because hospital OT said bath too high to get to shower. The wait for OT visit is at least 7months she has been told.