and easily confused! my cousin, who thinks i'm intelligent, called in this morning whilst i was going through my e.mails, reading the HU daily posts etc. i explained i was unable to log in now 'cause system changed (May?) and the new system did not like me. she offered to take a look. Bingo!!! i have really missed you guys.
i also wanted to share something that some people may find useful.
about 3 years ago, i got fed up with local council messing me about. i needed a ramp/other alterations so that i could get out and about on my scooter. i e.mailed my mp, 3 days later, knock @ the door - men arrived to start work! freedom!
this summer my gp persuaded me to accept care package, and a financial assessment would be done because "everyone has to make a contribution". this sounded reasonable. 3 weeks after care started, social workers came to my home to look at bank statements/benefits etc, and 1 week later the result of that assessment arrived. picked my chin up off the floor, read it again. my "contribution" was, for 1 hour a day, 7 days a week, weekly £82.00. that's right, ONE HOUR A DAY, 7 DAYS £82.00!! enclosed was an invoice for the previous 4 weeks £328.00. i called the care people to cancel with immediate effect. i had to ask a friend to remove door key from key safe, as they insisted they had to keep coming until officially informed by social services. nobody from social services wanted to know, but kept sending invoices! my gp was also stunned, asked me if i had 'private means'. haha, ha, hahaha. ha.
e.mailed my old friend the MP, who once again contacted Chief Executive local council. Result? charge waived, and more to the point review of the whole procedure! i should think so too! i was considering e.mailing Anne Robinson @
tulip xx