As the last response about sciatica and fibro was a long time ago I was wondering if anyone is suffering this now and if anyone has any techniques to manage the pair other than taking it very easy,
Sciatica: As the last response about... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi I have the lovely sciatica nearly all the time. I have a back which is suffering with stenossis and consequently continuously catches the sciatoc nerve down my leg/legs the pain runs down and into my foot with pin and needles numbness and loss of feeling. Then to cap that I have had Lymphodema for a year and now sport farrow wraps which I wear on my legs all the time.!
Have I any suggestions well scratches the chin, hot and cold packs - rest - lets face it the body is screaming at you take a rest do so now before it becomes even worse. dont feel bad about it ut is not your fault. Warm baths and a long soak is great make sure someone is there who will help you out of the bath should you become stuck.
Physio can be really useful but say no if there is any pain! Steam rooms are good for relaxation as well.
So try every thing
Thanks Gins. I no longer have a bath as I couldn't get in let alone out of one. I have found that I can do even less than normal and walking much slower as well. My partner can now walk at my speed where I found him too slow before.
I had the same idea. I had an epidural with both my daughters. I had very little trouble with my legs until after I had the first epidural (28 years ago), When I'd had it I had trouble walking at first and then couldn't run, even for a bus for a good 6 months. I have had trouble with the other foot not healing properly and unexplained pain since the summer. Bending forward has also been a problem for some time, leading to a house clearance by the council a couple of months ago as I couldn't do it. Of course my obese dad standing on my back when I was a child can't have helped either.
Have you tried a Tens machine? I frequently suffer sciatica down my right leg into my foot and find a couple of days using it really helps. You can buy them from leading chemists mines is from the one that's sounds like hoots lol. It clips onto your waistband so you can keep mobile xxx
Hi i get sciatica down buttock and my leg and ankle.i use arnica gel all over area affected.
I have used it for years now arnica gel and magnet wrap
Rest and applying heat as often as I can are the only things I find helpful. I don't have a bath but a long hot shower does help followed by as much heat as I can bear until things go back into place. I find the fibro makes it worse because of the way I walk to lessen the pain in my feet/ankles.
Hi everyone you all have my sympathy because people that have never had chronic sciatica will never know how bad it Realy is mine started about June time when I was walking I had pain in my left leg shooting from my buttock but only gradually so I went to the dr and he said it was sciatica and gave me excersizes to do to build my back muscles up 4 weeks later it got worse so he gave me naproxen and to keep excersizing that was the key he says 6 weeks later I am in agony the left side of my leg was pure agony I couldn't walk for more that 20 mtrs without pain it was like toothache all down my left leg and bum and my toes were actually moving themselves because of the nerve pain it was agony Dr sent me to the MRI scan took another 5 weeks put me on codeine Amitriptyline naproxen in agony also had 9 Phisio appointments to strengthen the back MRI showed a prolapsed disc pushing on the sciatic nerve got app to see specialist at the hospital on holiday had to use a wheelchair it was terrible funny thing tho was it was only when I was walking in bed layed down I never got it only when I stood up I had about 3 minutes then it started soon as the load went onto the disc that squashed the nerve after about 15 weeks I got it that bad I couldn't get up to walk the Dr sent for a ambulance whisked me in had another MRI the next day I was operated on to cut the prolapsed disc out the day after the op I walked around the hospital bed like I used to no sciatica no pain it was FANTASTIC that same day I went home I am still taking it easy nearly 7 weeks now and I am pain free I exersixe my back everyday I walk a lot to keep my back muscles strong I have lost nearly a stone to help too sciatica felt like someone wrapping barbed wire around my buttock and left leg and foot and squashing it in my leg it was horrendous I feel for all of you with that illness and just hope you also get sciatica free one day hope this has helped