Hi I have been getting a dull ache in the back of my head on the left side it can be very painful and I am unable to rest my head on my cushion or pillow because of it. My right side seems to be ok has anyone. Or is anyone experiencing the same thing and any idea what it can be . X
Dull ache in the back of my head any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Dull ache in the back of my head anyone any ideas or suffering from the same .?

Hi there,do you suffer with bad headaches or migraines with your fibro as that could be part of it?If it is a new symptom that you don't normally have it would be wise to get it checked out by your g.p.I get horrendous head pain and have to apply 4head to my forehead and neck to help cope with it as well as ibuprofen xxx
Hi Mich
I get this, when it gets really bad it feels like the whole left side of my head has been split off and migraine type blotches. After a couple of months I went to the GP and have now been referred to neurology.
Sorry I can't help any more but I do think you should see your GP about it.
Take care.
Is x
Hi michphil,
I really think you need to talk to your doctor about these issues, as there can be many causes for this sort of feeling and it is better to get it checked properly.
It may well be that all is ok, but I really do think you should get proper medical advice, meanwhile I'm sending you lots of positive healing vibes
Do let us know how you get on please
Foggy x
Thanks everyone yes I do suffer from migraines but this is completely different I will make an appointment to see my GP this week the pain is unbearable sometimes and I just want to curl up and die in a corner but thank you for your thoughts and I shall let you know how I get on gentle hugs everyone xx
Hi Michphil
Going back many, many years, I used to suffer fibro headaches on a daily basis. At the time I had an excellent specialist, someone who was at the forefront of fibro management. He had a wonderful tablet called Ketensin, which I took twice a day, unless very bad when I took an extra tablet. During the time that I had access to the wonder tablet, I rarely had a flare up. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the supplier & having moved to a new area, I didn't have anyone to fight with me. This was complicated by the fact that it was only available on special licence & not every doctor was prepared to go out on a limb. So I got down to my last box & kept it for emergencies. However, earlier this year I developed a horrendous headache that stopped me doing anything, couldn't eat, cope with lights etc. My GP told me that it was probably something I was going to live with, I wasn't going to settle for that.
It took a while but I finally remembered the relief that I'd been given for a headache years ago from acupuncture. Short story, I was having acupuncture as a course of treatment whilst an in-patient around the time I got my diagnosis.
My physio who carried out the acupuncture, came along one day & on asking how I was, I mentioned that I had a headache. Nothing more was said. At the end of the session & without promoting, I realised that my headache had gone. I told my physio who told me that she'd used some additional points for the needles.
So, having remembered this episode, I found a local physio, who offered acupuncture & who conveniently made house calls. At the end of the first session, there was definite improvement, which continued.
In all, I had 4 sessions. After the third, the headache had gone but had the extra one just to strengthen the treatment. I'd been suffering for over 4 months, yet the acupuncture had got rid of it in 4 sessions. I have this physio on speed dial now, although touch wood, I've not had a relapse.
I personally prefer to have a physio who practices acupuncture, as that is what I'm used to.
I would thoroughly recommend acupuncture, especially for fibro headaches.
I hope this helps you or someone else.
Best wishes
Arti x
Hi there michphil, yes I've had those pains so bad that even a Downy pillow was toooo painful to lay on and then when I got up the b ack of my head would pulsate as if all the blood started to circulate again, I was under a Dr Gouchi up Whipps cross and he gave me two injections in the back of my head and boy did it hurt, it helped for a few years but I have it back again, but no where near as bad as I had it then, I often felt like I needed to sleep standing up lol it really got me down, still does when it occurs, it use to last for quite a few days, the pain clinic told me it was down to the fibro, especially the nerve endings....so I do feel for you, sending you gentle hugs.....Dee xx
morning michphill i do have the same as you mines back of the head an sometimes under the ear like an L shape to the back on left side sometimes a dull ache to a pain but i put mine down to fibro if your not sure i would get cheacked buy a doc hope this helps cav73