I have been going now for 3weeks, also doing gentle exercise at home, I do pace mtself however my physio said I have to push harder...This has taken alot out of me, and I am feeling very tired and drained....
I have been going now for 3weeks, also doing gentle exercise at home, I do pace mtself however my physio said I have to push harder...This has taken alot out of me, and I am feeling very tired and drained....
I have been referred to physio on several different occasions I have to say they haven't been able to help me they have tried many different treatments the traction actually made me worse and now I have arthritis in my neck they refuse to see me at all saying we don't do necks......
Vg x
I was referred to physio, cant say it helped me much either,.......grumpy can u help me please, since this site shut for few hours yesterday I havent recieved one email, to say anyone had written on here, have things altered or is it something im not doing right....by the way did answer your message, beginning to wonder now if you recieved it, didnt come back on yesterday eve cos i wasnt feeling so good..hope all my fibro friends are ok, gentle hugs to all Dee x
I am not sure if this will work, just feel so drained and my legs, ankles and knees are in bits.
Jan x
To be perfectly honest my neck was not this bad until I had the traction as recommended by my 2nd rheummy ... 3rd rheummy stopped it ...
I think if I was a horse I would have been shot long ago... Would have given the forum some peace though... Looking on the bright side
Of course thats assuming I had been able to type if I was a horse...
VG x
I ask to be referred by my g.p as I wanted to get advice about a graded exercise programme.The physio I saw was a student and he didn't really have a clue and certainly not about fibro.The only good thing to come out of it was a referral for an exercise programme at the hospital with other people with physical problems.Iam awaiting to hear about this.My advice is to tell your physio that you can't push yourself as it causes you a lot of pain and fatigue.You have to very gradually build up exercise with fm or else you will be in a constant flare up.You don't have to do everything the physio tells you,you are the best judge of how much you can do.They don't know what the pain and fatigue feels like,good luck and don't let the physio make you do something that you are not comfortable doing! X
I have been to physio and my therapist there got me to do 12 weeks of hydrotherapy , gentle excercises in warm water with floats . It was great , no extra pain doing it and very relaxing . Getting dressed afterwords was difficult at times and I got a hospital care assistant that helped me every week. I started only doing 2 repetitions of each excercise (10 off them). And worked up to 10 x each excercise by the end of my 12 th week just going up x1 rep a week if I hadn't had a flare up after the previous session only 2x this happened to me . I loved at the end off each session getting wrapped up in floats head neck back arms legs ( physio done this) and I just floated for 10 mins body weightless . Unfortunately the benefit this had lasted for approx 6 weeks after sessions stopped then the pain increased again , the joints , muscle, ligaments pain, my range of movement lessened and generally everything stiffened up . This is not available for any more than 12weeks at a time in my area , and now I've had it I won't get another go for approx 18 months as there is a waiting list I would recommend hydrotherapy if your physiotherapist can provide this facility . So much easier to achieve in water x
Or u poor thing . I'm the sMe though been going g a year had everything and feel worse even now o gentle massage isn't doing much I'm not sure myself to stop Nd see other options