It is recommended that people with chronic pain conditions have at least one session of 30 minutes relaxation every day. It mimics sleep and gives the body a chance to get rid of the lactic acid that builds up which helps to cause to the pain and discomfort that we feel.
Imagine you were on this balloon
Where would you like to be going?
What can you see?
Breathe in deeply and take in that crisp clean air and feel it whisping around you, not making you cold but making you feel supported and safe.
Focus on the heat of the flame making the balloon fly and imagine it is, slowly, starting at the feet and then rising up the legs and into your hips and back, warming you and relaxing you.
Breathe in deeply and take in that crisp clean air
You feel comfortable and relaxed as the warmth rises further into your chest and along your arms and into your hands
it then moves upwards into your neck and your head
Breathe in deeply and take in that crisp clean air
You are now lovely and warm and relaxed and can enjoy your balloon ride so sit back and let the balloon take you where you'd like to go, picture the things you see on the journey........
............. for example the clouds, the lake, fields and trees.
What sounds can you hear when you close your eyes and block out the noise of the balloon's burner? Is the wind whistling, roaring, gently lapping the sides of the balloon.....?
Breathe in deeply and take in that crisp clean air
You are near your destination?
Focus on the heat of the flame making the balloon fly and imagine it is, slowly, starting at the feet and then rising up the legs and into your hips and back, warming you and relaxing you.
Breathe in deeply and take in that crisp clean air
You feel comfortable and relaxed as the warmth rises further into your chest and along your arms and into your hands
it then moves upwards into your neck and your head
When you open your eyes you will be at your destination
Hope you all find this to be a useful tool to help you with your daily relaxation
I would like the balloon to be taking me over the Swiss meadows so I can breathe the the crisp alpine air and get lost in the surrounding valleys and look way beyond the mountains.
I'm sure if I focus hard enough I can hear yodelling echoing across the beautiful grassy meadows