of all fluffies is reaching a special Birthday today so come on Guys Lets wish her a
HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY may she have a simply wonderful day.
surrounded by all her fluffy friends
of all fluffies is reaching a special Birthday today so come on Guys Lets wish her a
HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY may she have a simply wonderful day.
surrounded by all her fluffy friends
Happy Birthday Fluffies mine was on 23rd I am now 50 lol.
Happy Birthday fluffies you just chickens mine was 66 last Birthday lol x
Hey Zeb,
Your special day has arrived Woohoo..!
Have a brilliant time and bog rolls to the diet... just for today or is it a weekend long celebration
I'm sure you can get special dispensation for that
Enjoy yourself fluffmeister!
Pip xx
happy birthday, mine soon 59th
Hey Zebsxxxxxhave a ball. x
I've just wished you happy birthday on another post,so here it is again.......happy birthday to zebedee,happy birthday dear zebedee........happy birthday to zeb the fluffmeister!.........claps hands.........many happy returns!
Having sung out of tune to you in the other post
I will just wish you the very very best of birthday's mine fluffmeister
Have a fabulous time and celebrate in style, not that you wouldn't of course
Muchly Foggy x
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful day! xx
wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more to come. xx
Happy birthday, hope it's a good one x
You deserve a very Happy Birthday! Just a youngster but now an adult! At least that's when I finally realised my opinion counted and I was good at my job. Think I need to remember that, but if you are at risk of being the same, stop it! Your a big girl now and have a licence to enjoy your life! So go on, get out there and enjoy it! Be a FM survivor and seen! Lol and soft hugs xxx
Happy Birthday!
Cheers everyone
I've had a fantastic day and a fantastic evening
I really couldn't eat another thing, the meal was superb and the cake of course
my friends await me so must go thanks again fluffies for everyone xxx
PS: sneaky gins
but much appreciated xxxx
Hi Zeb, sorry I'm a bit late with the greetings, hope you have had and are still having a lovely day
Em x
Happy Birthday !
happy birthday zeb x