I was feeling low the other day and asked which zoo you were going to...I got no replies...was it for special people only?
THE ZOO: I was feeling low the other... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

sorry about that pondminstrel, you were most welcome, everyone always is, it's a bit of fun that everyone adds their own bits to. it was a virtual zoo and contained whatever anyone wanted to add. we wouldn't ignore you, we're all equal and anyone can start a thread / theme. if you , or anyone, have an idea and want to send me or gins a pm, we can help set it up.
unfortunately, so many people joined in, the page crashed and we had part 2 on a new one as no-one could get on the first. it's possible that your post was lost or missed during this time.
If you don't get a reply, please don't feel left out, let us know.
I often have posts that don't always get replied to, regardless of heavy traffic/crashing etc. sometimes I get lots of responses which is nice - but other times perhaps none..
Trouble is, as you say, when one is feeling down- due to pain or well, all sorts.. It is easy to take the lack of response so personally - I now 'train' (can't think of a better word) myself not to take a 'no response' to heart..it may be that folk are otherwise engaged..or sometimes things are quiet because lots are suffering/in pain and not up to responding..
Whatever the reason, I'm so sure it is nothing personal - just keep right on posting, take part as you are able - well done in managing to post at all (I go for weeks not being up to posting/responding due to health issues). I then lurk instead..enjoying the conversations of others, which help to keep me feeling part of things
Many hugs x
Guys if you do not get a response please please keep on coming on and adding your comments. We do try to make sure every one gets a reply but some times we just cannot manage it
If you cannot get hold of us send us a PM and you will definitely get Sandra or myself we hate to think you have be for what ever reason.
We are always "lurking" take care
HI there pondminstrel everyone is always invited to our trips out and I'm very, very, sorry that no-one replied to you
I have since checked said thread and can see where the confusion has come about the reply that was sent to you wasn't a direct reply but part of the thread underneath your comment/q it is such a shame hunny
However, we are currently devising plans for a trip to the science museum and would very, very, much like to invite you along WATCH this space as they say because someone will post it LOL
These things kinda just happen too I helped to plan the zoo trip and I wasn't even here as I had a hydrotherapy review and was upset by the time I got back coz I'd missed the picnic and everything.
It flew off the charts as they say and even I felt a little bit left out at some point
its a bit of a word of mouth thing also because there are so many of us. Give one of us a nudge and a poke next time to say hey what's happenening? I had so many replies to answer that day I couldn't keep up with the pace of them all they came in so fast.
Apologies again Pondminstrel and to anyone else who feels a bit left out..... is there somewhere you'd like to go to?
Anyone can arrange a day out as Sandra says post a thread
many many flufies to you xxxx zeb xxxx
Hi pod minstrel, I had the same problem at first, but I just added another comment till some one answered, I knw when you are feeling low it can be taken personally, but believe me no one here means it that way we are there for each other, another thing we have to bear in mind is that we only have two volunteers now, moffy seems to have disappeared (do hope she isnt sick) we also lost VG, and seeing as gins and Sandra kinda managing it on their own I think they are doing a grand job, my hat off to them, (old saying) showing my age arnt I, hope this help you to feel better podminstral and not so isolotaed, looking forward to your posts and don't forget to join us at the museum...sending very gentle hugs to you...Dee x
hi..museum? don't know anything about that sorry x
Hi pondminstrel
we're planning a virtual trip to the science museum one day..........just keep an eye out for the post and join in
xxx sian xxx
hi..ok pet...thank you xx
Science Museum? one of my fave places.
...actually- I am totally ignorant of these (absolutely Wonderful -sounding) virtual trips out..
What a brilliant idea! Do many of us miss out on the real thing.
I'll have to keep my eyes open better-easier said than done
Wow, if I wasn't confused before, I am now lol x
Don't be confused please, just a little silly is good enough I'm afraid I may have been mistaken in not having replied to Pondminstrel direct, and for that I apologise most profusely!!
The "virtual" trips are something I thought people might like to join in on, previously when the other volunteers were around we had silly posts doing crazy things, but with the departure of the two other volunteers they came to a bit of a halt. I voiced whether people might be interested and thought of a Zoo trip a see all seem to be fond of animals on here. I however, only took part for very short times as down here in the south west we were having thunderstorms all day and my wifi wasn't good.
As the others have said, anyone is welcome to start a fun post, and some people like them and will join in, others don't find it interesting at all and prefer to avoid them......people's choice.....but no one is excluded at all in any way, the more the merrier I must say even I was surprised by the activity of the post, having set the second one up we had in total over 200 replies, hence the crashing bit......whoops
Anyway I hope you are all up for some fun and silliness, it doesn't have to be real at all, it's really fun to see where the conversation goes to....... So enjoy and join in
Foggy x