I'm having a large cyst an ovary removed on Tuesday ! just started to feel a bit eeekk! so thought i'd share amongst my fibro friends !!!!!! love to you all x
feeling a bit nervous now !!!!!!!!!!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
feeling a bit nervous now !!!!!!!!!!!!

and ovary , oops !!!!!!!!!!!
hi Lanissa, hope all goes well for you keep us informed as to how you get on wont you...gentle hugs for you....Dee x
Hi, Hope you have a speedy recovery hunni..think positive and keep the old saying in your mind ..its better out than in.
and a Ditto to what Dee said about letting us know.
Take care xxx
Hi Larissa
I had a cyst and half of my right ovary removed a couple of years ago. I'm guessing yours is going to be done as keyhole surgery? Mine was.
It all went really well.
The one thing I wasn't told before I had my surgery was that I couldn't drive for 6 weeks afterwards. Not sure if you know that?
Good luck. Don't worry ~ you'll be fine
Gentle hugs
Coz x

Hi Coz,
Yes, its keyhole so should be out in the eve. I thought it was 2 weeks you couldn't drive ?????? How long did you wait to drive again ? and did you stomache feel weird after ?
I am hoping this surgery will stop me looking pregnant ! I am not tiny but I do get really bloated sometimes !
thanks for good wishes x
hello Larissa
its not as big as your op but I have just had my gallbladder removed by keyhole surgery and it was fine -there were no problems and the best thing is you don't know anything about it.I have been sore for two weeks and i look even more pregnant than i did before .iwould have been out the same day but stayed in overnight just because I went down to theatre quite late in the afternoon,only thing I was disgusted about was the lack of aftercare.no one told me what i should or shouldn't do as regards dressings etc.,
Hiya Larissa (lovely name )
I think it's only fair to be honest with you. My stomach was very bloated for quite a while afterwards, like anbuma. I was hoping the same as you about the bloating.
There were about 6 of us having similar procedures and because the surgeon was running late we didn't have our Pre Op which is when they tell you everything about your procedure.
I was told by a nurse after my surgery that I couldn't drive for 6 weeks. I was in shock! As I have Fibro I can't manage without my car.
All the nurse said was that I wouldn't be covered on my insurance if I drove before the 6 weeks. I left it about 5 weeks in the end.
Of course you'll be a bit sore afterwards, and like anbuma my aftercare was non existent. But that's down to the individual hospital.
If you still feel unsure, make sure you ask the nurses before you have your procedure.
I've had 4 Laparoscopy's done (had difficulty conceiving) and they all went well, which is a very similar procedure.
If you are extremely nervous you can ask for a Pre med which is something they can give you an hour before surgery to chill you out a bit.
You should be home that day or the next morning.
Let me know if you want to know anything else.
I hope that helps. It's a very simple procedure. (I'm not putting down your fears ~ just hopefully reassuring you that it's all done very quickly).
I will be thinking of you.
Let us all know how you get on.
Gentle hugs
Coz xx

Hi again ,
I feel ok , just a little nervous but also feeling positive , In a way ,I am looking forward to getting rid of it too !
Thanks for reply, much appreciated x
No worries. I hope it helped a bit.
I was told (after my surgery!) that its very similar to a hysterectomy ~ but I don't know if that's because they had to remove half of my ovary.
You'll be up and about the same day if you have your surgery in the morning.
Please remember to let me know how you get on x
I had an ovarian cyst years ago. Thankfully it got rid of itself as I was pregnant at the time.
I know when my daughter had keyhole surgery for her appendix she was off her feet for about three weeks (she was in hospital for the better part of a week). She was also in incredible pain, but improved rapidly, with plenty of sleep and pain killers, she made it back to school for the last three days before summer that year. She also lost masses of weight with it, which she has never put back on.
I know it's not quite the same but it's a similar area and they stuck a camera in her to check the development of her ovaries and uterus since she was at a key age for things going wrong apparently (12). She never forgave them for removing her belly button.
Really hope it goes very well for you. Sounds much more straight forward than my daughters was if you come out the same day. Let us know how it goes.
Hi Larissa. I had two dermoids removed last year. Enjoy the morphine. You will be fine.