GP said he was going to let me suffer... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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GP said he was going to let me suffer and be in pain for 5 weeks until my lidocaine at the hospital!!

emjane4465 profile image
10 Replies

Went to the GP today after they told me they couldn't help me yesterday so I wanted another GPs opinion. My mobility has got to the stage over the past week where it takes me 10 mins to get upstairs by going up and down on my bum. Having to sleep with pillows under my ribs back hips knees and ankle. Having a gel mat at work for my wrists and elbows.

GP today said there was nothing he could think of as I stated none of my medication including pregablin was working. He then went and prescrobed me the same medication in the same dosage that is not currently working. I burst into tears. It means I can't go on holiday with my friends as I can't walk more than 100m it means I can't go to ladies day because I will be too much of a liability with my mobility and pain I can't wear heels I can't wear my dress I'm covered in bruising from the spasms! I am getting more and more down. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP IM LONELY AND HURTING A LOT!!

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emjane4465 profile image
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10 Replies
Rocky1 profile image

It's so hard being in pain.. I think GP's have little understanding unless they have experienced it. it's so frustrating when medication doesn't work. Can you call the hospital and see if there is a cancellation? There might be..... You are stronger than you think..

Lifeback profile image

Hi emjane4465 i think that you need to go to A&E ring an ambulance if you have to do not suffer anymore have you got someone to go with you they will send out a paramedic first dont be afraid to call them they will sort you out please let me know how you got on xx

haribo36 profile image

I totally agree with life back.When my pain was at its worse and the meds were not working,I had no life at all and I got so depressed that I felt suicidal,so I took myself to hospital and told them that I was in so much pain that it constituted an emergency as I was suicidal.As my g.p had refused to give me anything stronger than tramodol they gave me a butrans patch which was marvellous at the time but only lasted for a week.When I went back to my g.p he refused to prescribe it.I really think that some are very unkind and have no understanding of the misery they can cause us by refusing to prescribe anything else and not understanding how much pain fibro can cause.I should have changed my g.p and it is only now that Iam going to change g.p practises.You really have to stand up for yourself,it's only now that Iam learning that x

Yes a good GP never gives up ... If your surgery has no GPS that will help change surgeries I have done both and am now at a practice of 6 GPS ... 4 of whom are very fibro friendly the other two are temporary so I haven't seen them .... I am so allergic to stuff my GP calls me one of his few really awkward patients ... Apparantly he likes a challenge ... So he refuses to give in.... At the moment I am awaiting an emergency appt with my pain clinic consultant .. Unfortunately I have lots more wrong with me than fibro which doesn't help ... So if my GP won't give up then neither will I ... But I have been where you are so please do not give in and find someone who will help you ..

VG x

ehlers profile image

I understand where you are just now. I'm feeling much the same , my pain is so bad just now and I am on the maximum dose of all my meds . I tried to contact my pain nurse specialist who called me back and I missed her call she left a message saying she was away on holiday for two weeks . I can't to my gp as his attitude is your on the maximum dose of these meds so grin and bare it . Maybe your nurse specialist can suggest something . ( Whos the doctor here ? )So I'm stuck in limbo , cancelled my holiday to turkey with my family , they all left two days ago , while my pain nurse is on a well deserved holiday enjoying her self and nobody else covering her shifts, a gp whom I tried to explain I would need to cancel my holidays has as much compassion and understanding as I have in my big toe . Now on top off the pain I'm feeling extremely depressed , frustrated , lack of sleep due to pain so my cf has flared up . Instead of the government paying for training and changes in paperwork like pip ect why can't they invest it in pain management and understanding for GPs xxxxx hope you get some relief real soon or at least a cancellation appt x

Lifeback profile image

Hi emmjane4465 how are you did you get any help x

emjane4465 profile image

Thankyou all for the support. Hi Lifeback my mums contacted my pain management clinic and they have put me on the emergency cancellation list and they will ring me as soon as they get a free space. x

ehlers profile image

That's fab emjane x good luck hope you get something sorted out .

FIBROTURKEY profile image

Hi Emjane well done to you for standing your ground and letting your mum step in. We should not feel we have failed by allowing others to help. That leaning on others is needed, especially when it is hard to find the emotional and physical strength in times of trouble. I do hope that you have a good support network around you. I thank God that he has blessed me with wonderful friends and family (well not all the family), they seem to find it hard to understand when you cannot communicate fully some days, and just think you are being grumpy. I do hope that you will hear something soon, it may be sooner than you think. I need to contact the pain clinic too, as I had to put back my allocated space in May, as it was a stressful and depressing stage. Feeling that the days seem to fly by and not getting to catch up with important telephone calls. ...arrgh!!!!!!! The other thing that I found really helpful was to contact Social Services, who come round and assess you at home for any equipment to aid you at home, i.e, stair rails, shower board, perching stool, or bed leaver. It all helped wonders. All the best to you and let us know how things do work out. xx

emjane4465 profile image

Hi everyone , I saw 3 GP's at my surgery yes 3! for them to up my meds 25mg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not any better I want to cry sleeping with pillows under my ribs! I am prarying my consultant will ring me

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