my mums nearly had it she says she cant cope anymore with me having fibro and im just really upset i cant cope with it but im the on with it just need help for mym mum and me really in colchester area XX
how to make my mum cope with me and t... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
how to make my mum cope with me and the mood swings ??

Hi there I can totally understand you having mood swings who wouldn't you are 19 and just when you should be going out and about off to work , off to university you are hit by all these things .... It's natural to grieve and be angry that you can't do the things you want and used to do.... As for your mum.... I,m a mum we are not perfect we often say things we don't mean and have a lot of making up to do after... I guess she is really worried and stressed and didn't really mean it.....
It's so hard when you know your child ( however old) is sick and there is nothing you can do as a parent to make it better ... I know, my son is autistic, he has moods .... We have words ... I regret it... I would give anything to change life for him as I expect your mum does for you and it gets too much at times... We feel guilty.. Is it something I did ....
How to make your mum understand.... Well there is this ... Maybe you could get her to read it sometime
Hope that helps
VG x
well now shes done a runner so no shes definatly not
handerling it
and now i have soo much more stress on my plate i just dont need this
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mums very rarely give up on our babies no matter how old they are..perhaps your mum has problems..i know it doesnt help you pet,but perhaps shes trying to cope with her own problems,and its got her sure she be round soon x ring her and ask,thats a good start x
I am so sorry your Mum could not handle it - did you find her Lil had she just gone of for a days r&r thats rest and recouperation probably what you need today. I hope she comes around to see you so you can have a cuddle and a chat. Very hard when you cannot make your childs illness go away thats what us Mum's have akways done made it all better and now faced with Fibro it is just not so easy.
It needs to be a path you travel together so I hope she has reappeares otherwise she is being rather selfish.
What can you do well get you back together get you tlking get your Mum to come on here adwe will have a chat and show her it is not the end just a different path to take. Bet you both need a cuddle .
I am alwys about and you are welcome to PM me if you like sometimes just to know someone is there is so very helpful xgins
I know us. mums are supposed to have all the answers.....but we don't. We are supposed to have hearts that are loving but that can withstand all the abuse hurled our way by our children.....but we don't. Sometimes what's shouted at us can hurt so much, we need to go away and heal ourselves. Mums don't walk away without being pushed hard. So what did you say to your Mum. This is not meant to be unfair to you, but just to ask you to think hard about what happened to make your Mum go. We were not there, we don't know. I look after my Grandson currently ( he has CFS) being his Grandmother and being much older makes it easier to cope. There are not the emotional flare ups between us, but then I am fairly laid back anyway. If you are temperamental, and your mum is then stand back and wait for the fireworks. Do you have any grandparents, could they help?
Your mum is only human, she is fallible and sometimes the pressure is just too much and she needs to get away. I have problems with my sons at times, they are 18 and 20 and can be bloody thoughtless and downright selfish at times, like many young people they think they are the centre of the universe. They aren't and nor is anyone else. But I am also to blame as well, I over-react and must be very hard to live with at times. It takes two, so I am guessing you both share responsibility for the situation.
Perhaps your mum had had enough and just needed space, as we all do. So I hope it works out for you, be gentle with each other and cut you both some slack. No mum wants to see her child sick and in pain and the inability to make it better for you is very hard. She may be grieving inside for the life she wanted for you that you may not be able to have.