My Tribunal going to Adjournment - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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My Tribunal going to Adjournment

pepperflo profile image
14 Replies

had my Tribunal on Friday, I had been to CAB and got lots of extra evidence that backs up my condtion has deteriorated, I had forwarded this evidence also to the tribunal service, and they confirmed they had received it.

I went in and the one who was the solicitor said that I was there to get my high rate mobility reinstated, so I said yes. He just said well this tribunal is going to be adjourned for you to go away and have a think that if you continue you are at risk of losing the low rate care you already recieve. I was that shocked I couldn't speak apart from saying ok. They told me as soon as I receive the letter to go to CAB and seek advice and gather evidence , after I had got in my car and broke down in floods of tears sat there and thought what more do they want from me. I'm already losing my ESA this next week as Ive been on it 12 months. I just feel the whole world is against me.

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pepperflo profile image
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14 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Hi Pepperflo,

I am sure the whole world is not against you even though it feels like it some times. From what you say you were treated quite poorley. So you can have one but not the other I feel you need some advice I dont know if our lady can help but go on the site and look up under benefits and put your story to them.

Best of luck keep fighting


nickychalk1961 profile image

I am so sorry this is happening to you , but take Heart as I am going through this too I am fortunate that my carer is also my partner and has been my rock yes it is a long road as they don't officially recognize fibromialga but lets keep each others spirits up so if you want to talk about anything I am here for you even though you do not know me we havr this in common and sometimes it helps to talk take care Nicky xx

If you email Emma at and just say its a dla. Tribunal she can send you the relevant sheets to help

VG x

pepperflo profile image

Thank you I will, I just feel so up against everything, esp as my husband who even though worked full time and came home and helped care fir me, is now in Go so fighting Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, and is quite poorly at the min, he will be in hosp for the best part of the next 6 months. So I just feel.bombarded with everything, and my fibro head just won't let me store everything I need it to store.

pepperflo profile image

Thank you I will, I just feel so up against everything, esp as my husband who even though worked full time and came home and helped care fir me, is now in Go so fighting Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, and is quite poorly at the min, he will be in hosp for the best part of the next 6 months. So I just feel.bombarded with everything, and my fibro head just won't let me store everything I need it to store.

pepperflo profile image

Thank you I will, I just feel so up against everything, esp as my husband who even though worked full time and came home and helped care fir me, is now in Go so fighting Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, and is quite poorly at the min, he will be in hosp for the best part of the next 6 months. So I just feel.bombarded with everything, and my fibro head just won't let me store everything I need it to store.

pepperflo profile image

Thank you I will, I just feel so up against everything, esp as my husband who even though worked full time and came home and helped care fir me, is now in Go so fighting Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, and is quite poorly at the min, he will be in hosp for the best part of the next 6 months. So I just feel.bombarded with everything, and my fibro head just won't let me store everything I need it to store.

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel so sorry your going through this my tribunal was ajourned to ..sorry for spelling iv just got a way its a good thing because if you had continued you would have lost it..theres something in your information that they dont agree with...i got a written warning!! lol numptys!!..i wont bore you with what i went thru as you know,,18 months later i was still fighting...if you message me i will give you a link for a man that helped me..i was about to just not bother as i was tired..i then found this web site and all i can say is he took over and put my mind at rest...i know i did most of the work ie; form filling etc..but i was lost as what to do..anyway liam took over and the upshot was i recieved HRC i was on HRM but i got the decision indefinatly,i know it will be reviewed but for a good two years i can rest easy..please please contact me..i am NOT on commision!! lol..i told him i would pass his good work around xxxxx

bav18 profile image
bav18 in reply to pondminstrel

Can you give me his contact details?

pepperflo profile image

Thank you so.much for this info, will cert get in touch with him. So will it tell me in this letter why it was adjourned ? And what is wrong? Because at a loss,as to why because I thought I had everything in place. Again thanks.

rosaann52 profile image

They have to tell you that as in truth if you don't have a degree in filling out these form's and miss out vital information as to how your 'illness' is affecting your everyday could be assesed as not meeting new levels of qualifing...for any benefit....with you being worried about your husband's condition that may be very easy to get as much help as you can from every one that is dealing with your medical condition....especially if you have a sympathetic GP...he may be able to write you a letter, explaining your circumastances...especially if you are depressed at the moment (and who would't be with all you are having to deal with)....this too may all help.Have you appealed about your ESA, being stopped ?...have you tried for income related ESA ? Have you ever asked for 'A statement of Reason's', this is your ESA50 with the score's must of reached 15 to get ESA for 12mth's you only need another point to reach 16 to qualify for the Support try and find out where they scored you down.

There are so many things that you may be able to get if only you know your entitled to them....and your husband may well be entitled to some benefits as well..though if he is hospitalised these may be at a reduced really really need to be brave and fight this.....don't let them win....if your not fit enough to work then you have to keep at it until they know it too.....Don't hold back when you talk to your GP let him see how you really are feeling... we all seem to put on a brave face when we sit in the surgery ....then wonder why our doctor never makes the right diagnoses....if you can't hold it in any more let it all go....if you need to have a good cry then have one .... it will clear your mind of tension..and you'll be able to start climbing out of that 'black hole' your in at the moment........and you must believe that one day it will all work and things will get better for you and your husband...I wish you both the best .......

pepperflo profile image

Thank you so much rosaann I'm going to go to the CAB on Thurs, the last time I was there we sent a about my ESA but heard nothing back, we had a Macmillan benefit adviser come to see us, but it's like in one ear and out the other at the moment. But because my husband is still.on full pay until mid July we can't get benefits for him. I thought on Friday I would never stop crying. I received the adjournment letter today and it says,I need a representative, how,and where do I get one if them from ? As,well as going to the CAB I might speak to the Macmillan adviser too. I hate going on the telephone but will I have to ring up about my points for ESA or can I write to them ? Again thank you Rosaann

pepperflo profile image

Hi pondminstrel I gave tried to.leave you a private message but it's not letting me please can you newsagents Liams details, as I would like to get in touch with him. Thank you.

pepperflo profile image

Hi pondminstrel I gave tried to.leave you a private message but it's not letting me please can you newsagents Liams details, as I would like to get in touch with him. Thank you.

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