Hi All,
I am going through a flare up at the moment and I am in constant pain with it. It doesn't help that my arthritis is playing up at the same time so the pain is more or less doubled. I am taking so many tablets now that I constantly rattle. I have to take my pain meds every 3 hours now and if I am late taking them I know as the pain escalates and i'm left screaming in agony. I go to bed at 9 every night and take all my tablets which knock me out for a couple of hours and then i'm awake for the rest of the night.
My husband has a neurological disorder and is currently appealing a decision that the social have made, they say that as his condition doesn't cause him to lose consciousness that he is fit for work, he loses all feeling in his arm and leg which cause him to collapse, his arm locks up and he twitches constantly. These attacks can last for anything from an hour up to 6 and he also has lost feeling in both arms and legs, when this happens he also loses the ability to speak. He gets no warning of an attack, just a tingling in his arm and then within a few seconds his arm starts to lock up. He suffers from depression and has been classed as a high risk by a counsellor but according to the social he doesn't have depression. How do they know, are they here when he's bad, i'm the one that has to deal with him and talk him round.
This new benefit is a joke and the person who thought of it wants to try living on the meagre money that they give us for a week, They wouldn't last a couple of days let alone a week.