I was swimming with my granddaughter today and my right leg went into spasm. It wasn't cramp, it was the whole leg and it still feels tight and distinctly 'odd' for want of a better description. Is there any way to avoid it happening again and do you think it is Fibro related?
Anyone had leg spasms?: I was swimming... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Anyone had leg spasms?

hi jillylin I guess it could be fibro as i have the same thing, especially in the thigh muscle in my right leg, also been getting them in the top muscle of my arm, not very nice at all, it suddenly catches me and I can stand on it until it subsides, its defiantly not cramp, but then this condition does affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerve endings, so im sure its the fibro, im not sure it can be avpided except not to overdo things, we shall see, gentle hugs to you ...Dee xxx
Hi I get these muscle spasms, mainly in my right leg, and always seems to be at night. Tonic water is supposed to be good as it has quinnine. I am now prescribed quinnine sulphate as I was getting them almost ever night.
I get muscle spasms, the worse one is the main large muscle left side torso. I've been hospitalised twice with it, 'cause I thought I was having a heart attack! Luckily, local A & E were very understanding. They gave me a series of morphine iv, which did the job.. Then they brought me home again.
Take care. xx
Thanks for all your replies. I was imagining all sorts so it's a relief to know it is just another 'fibro' gift.
Do you take Gabapentin? I am new to this medication. However, when I was a couple of hours late taking the last tablet at night, this happened to me. I fell backwards after the spasm and hit a ceramic pot hitting my left side bottom/hip. Three weeks later I am still suffering the consequences. Feels like I am sitting on golf sized painful ball. Take care if this is the case x
no I don't. the pain clinic did suggest it but my GP didn't think it was a good idea.
Do mention this to your doctor - all new symptoms should be checked out with a doc.
I mentioned it when I saw her today. She asked if I exercised ( I do), did I exercise every day (yes), did I do my stretching exercises (yes).Well it's just something you'll have to live with
I think she was more concerned with my blood pressure. Felt it was a box ticking exercise.