Do any pain killers work: Ive tried the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Do any pain killers work

ellablade profile image
15 Replies

Ive tried the usual tramadol, naproxyn, declafenic even morphine. Im now on just gabapentin for the spasms paracetamol and amitryxaline. Ive now been referred to the pain clinic so hopefully they might be able to prescribe something that actually woks. Is it true that Fibro just doesn;'t work with pain killers.?

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ellablade profile image
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15 Replies
ladymoth profile image

I was beginning to think that, but I took Tramadol together with paracetamol, and that did the trick for me! :)

Moffy x

MimiC1 profile image

I'm on Tramadol and paracetamol and that doesn't work for me, I think everyone is different unfortunately. Good luck at the pain clinic.

jillylin profile image

Hopefully the pain clinic will come up with something that helps.



I'm on the same, but it no longer works for me, I don't want the stronger

Stuff, my friend has just been put on subutex patches, it's got another

Name, anyway it's a nerve blocker, and she says it's fantastic, it's very

Strange I work with two people both have fibro. Must be the prison nursing

We do I don't know.

Anyway the other friend is on fentenal patches it's early days for her so I don't

Know if it. Works or not, myself I'm determined not to go down these paths these

Kind of medication, no disrespect to anyone who takes these meds. But they are


Maybe I can tolerate the pain more, or they get it worse I don't know. Please

Forgive spelling if it is wrong I have one of those heads today


mooo1967 profile image
mooo1967 in reply to

I am on butrans patches 20mg but even though gp wants yo increase dose I am reluctant as am only 45 and always think if you go too strong too soon you will effectively have no where to go. I have has fibro for 15 years and rarely ask for else.

I have noticed on many posts that people mention having off days where they cannot concentrate or lose track of things. I have had trouble for the last few years but was told because of hormones after hysterectomy, Gabapentin which I admit at first made life interesting as I didn't know sometimes exactly what I had been doing two seconds ago and at times just depression. I thought I was going senile until I read some of the info on Fibro. Does anyone have trouble in conversations where they just cannot remember what it was they were talking about or how to do something as simple as open cupboard take out plates for dinner. I cant even remember sometimes what I wanted to ask the G.P I suppose theres a funny side, but you do get funny looks if you laugh...............hysterically.

alikat1 profile image
alikat1 in reply to

Oh yes and it is not the gabapentin (because I don't take it!) it is fibrofog!!!

Ginsing profile image

am trying B12 to help with memory - now where was I yes our pain never truly goes away but we learn to diminish it with what ever helps us individually. For me it is a concoction of Tegratol - duloxetine and morphine deriverative oxycontin plus paracetamol when needed yes I rattle but it keeps it at bay. Do I have a pain free day simply No but I manage and diverting myself helps try not to dwell on it :) xgins

I was on fentynal patches but when you get hot and sweat they tend to drop off especially at night , found myself searching in the bed at all hours as withdrawal symptoms start quickly but problem then was trying to make it stop on after defluffing it hmmmm. I am now on a variety of medication and to be honest i do not think it really gets rid of all the pain and i wonder sometimes what if would be like if i came off it all. I take gabapentin at the highest it can go, morphine tablets, morphine liquid, paracetamol, iprobrufen, anti depressants, blood pressure tablets, heart tablets, i have nerve block injections every four months .... and i still feel pain . What is the answer i am not sure to be honest tried it all my doc says. I have been with the pain clinic for 4 years now , it was awful at first until i found a good pain management doc she is wonderful . When i first went it was meditation, relaxation, excerises, geeshhhhhhh then lessons on where pain comes from nothing at all to do with what can i take to get rid of it. I have terrible memory problems due to nuerosurgery and fibro fog and drugs, i cannot concentrate so sorry if there are many spelling mistakes and unusual grammer :-) .... I was told i should not be out alone lol that made me laugh 'why i said am i a danger to others ' doc said 'could be but more a danger to yourself' yikes lol. I understand what he means though because i never watch out for traffic when i am crossing the road and i tend to wander around thinking what i am doing in a certain place . I live alone which is a challenge to be honest , i do not cook anymore i burn the dinner and myself not good . no good writing lists you forget them or misplace them , i have a calendar i do not look at or forget to look at , told family birthdays are out of the question now lol at least they understand. I sent merry christmas to one family member for their birthday in June 'nice' they saw the funny side thank goodness and at least it was a card :0 . oh i seem to have rambled on sorry anyway what was the subject lol

take care all of you

katheryn x

Malwimmy27 profile image

I have the butrans patches, seemed to work in the beginning, but having pain again now. I only started on Friday, so really disappointed as thought they were going to help. The nurse at the pain clinic suggested the patches to give my stomach and gut a rest from oral medication.

I hope you find something that works for you.

Becky. X

pip_r profile image

I have Coproxamol for pain as Gabapentin didn't work for me. Although they stopped prescribing Coproxamol quite a few years ago, it can still be prescribed on a 'named patient' basis, but I think only if you've had it before. I live in Scotland and I know my friend in England hasn't had much luck getting it, so it may be down to your GP whether you get this. I also take 30mg of Amitriptyline at night to help with nerve pain, which does help to some degree (I realised when I stopped taking it).

Pip xx

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to pip_r

Have u tried tramadol with gabapentin, doesn't take the pain completely, but then what does, but helps u cope, I also have been prescribed cocodamol which is the other name for coproxamol, and take them when I really really can't cope, but I do try to cope as much as I possibly can, the gabapentin is mainly for the nerve endings pain aren't they, do u feel like u have pins pricking u Every now and then, and I'm getting more muscle cramps all over my body now, like all of uni can't stand to be touched it hurts too much the only way I can lay is on my back, but mainly I sleep sitting up as my back starts to hurt whn laying flat, I had back op about nine yrs ago, and wished I hadn't, my gripe over for now could go on as I'm having iffy day today , gentle hugs to u all xx

in reply to pip_r

I take gabapentin for nerve pain dont like it but it works,I also take codeine with paracetemol as I find this is the only thing that takes the bite from joint pain.The amitryptyline is good for night time dont much care for it, but I dont sleep if I dont take, The rheumy has suggested Tramadol but it makes me feel so sick, so she has suggested 50mg Amitripyline at night but I find it so hard to get going on a morning. If I took everything at levels as recommended I think I would never get out of bed. I tried to come off a lot of these or lower the dose but I didn't know where to put myself. Am due pain clinic appointment soon , I will write myself a note, lol Janxx

SarahMcKay profile image

Hiya I've had FMS for nearly 3 years and have tried everything from a-z in tablets and its like taking a smartie and expecting it to take the pain away (I wish ) still on sevradol and this is my 1st day without my continues, it's only taken 3 weeks to come of it so fingers crossed its not going to b to bad! Still very sore but that's just all part and parcel of I'm afraid. Since I finally admitted that I have the condition I seem to b able to deal with it a bit better, I have 3 kids just don't want to be a zombie mum anymore!

Take care guys sarah xx

Mdaisy profile image

Hello Ellablade,

I personally take Tramadol, Pregabalin, Duloxetine (SNRI) & Pramiprexole (Dopamine agonist) and usually tick along quite nicely unless I catch a bug or recently have been treated for Vitamin D deficiency so had a flare.

Here is a link to the FibroAction website about medications used for Fibro

This is part of the 'All about Fibro' factsheet range that can be downloaded and printed for your reference.

I found pain clinic very helpful personally, so hopefully they will help with address your pain experience too.

Here is a recent thread about Pain Clinics which may be of help


I wish you well and hope get some relief soon

Emma :)

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