hi i am 19years old and have had cfs/fm for 2 years. I have painful lumps on my shoulder and forearm and now have one on inside of wrist. does anyone know what causes them ? i had my shoulder x rayed and they found nothing, no one ie physios seem to know what they are.
painful lumps: hi i am 19years old and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
painful lumps

hi tasha,just to tell you i have lumps everywhere,under my armpit,on the inside of my shoulder the fleshy part,backs of my knees,almost allover.i got it worse when i went abroad the heat affected me greatly,i was struggling to move let alone walk,my partner want,s us to go again i'd love to but am afraid of what happens to my body in the heat,i explained to my doc how i was she was baffled said she didn't know unless i was here to be seen,so i do and have no idea why,i am waiting for a glorious summer in which maybe i will swell in places,hmm!unlikely.i'm desperate for a holiday but as i say waiting for our heatwave before i go.jacksiex
I remember. Your holiday in January ??? Jacksie and how ill it made you... I would put your foot down and say you aren't going abroad again as it makes you so ill.... Unless you go some where really cold ..
I'm not sure whether this would be relevant, but quite a few years ago I suddenly developed lumps on my legs and arms, they were diagnosed as erythema nodosum. They eventually went away on their own, but they were distressing at the time. Could you possibly ask your GP if that may be what is happening to you, I know it's a stab in the dark, but it's worth asking. They can just go and never be a problem, but there is sometimes a risk of an underlying infection. I hope this may be helpful and I hope you get it sorted out very soon,
Foggy x
It could certainly be that , Foggy - if lumps appear suddenly and are painful, they're nearly always due to infection or injury, so that's a possible diagnosis. I agree that Tasha should ask her doctor to consider that.
The most likely cause of lumps on the shoulders, arms and wrist would be lipoma - harmless, fatty lumps, but they are not usually painful. Of course, with having fibro, anything can hurt, so that's another possibility.
Moffy x
I have these lumps, I was told by a pain specialist that it was widespread myo fascial syndrome ,it is where the fascia knots itself up he described it as you know when you have had your iron (for ironing clothes!) and the flex start like erupting through the cord flex and the wires bulge through in places, ,well he told me that is what happens in widespread myo-fascial syndrome...(I have fibro and widespread myo-fascial pain)
I & most of my family have lumps all over the body, ours are called lipomas, they can be sore but are not cancerous or harmful, they however can sometimes be painful enough to be removed. You didn't say your age, they often start after the age of 40 or so I was told. Discuss it with your doctors. Hope you feel better soon.xx
Thank you for all replies it was most helpful, with this illness there seems to be something new that crops up every week. hope you all have a good weekend.
I get lumps both sides lower back and left side chest Spain in my chest omg soooo painful it makes me scream xx