Hi all, I was wondering does anyone have lumps with fibro? I have lots in my left arm and now I have them across the left of my chest and they can be so painful, I seen a doctor today who said lumps arnt really associated with fibro??
Fibro Lumps: Hi all, I was wondering... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro Lumps

Lumps are not generally associated with fibromyalgia
I was always told my lumps were fibro lumps very strange
Hi, first time I’ve heard that lumps can be associated with Fibro.
Who was it that told you that they were? And what did your doctor say about them? and are they going to do anything about them?
Sorry for all the questions, I’m sure you must be concerned as to why you’ve got these lumps.
Please let us know how you get on.
Take care.
GP. 😊😊

The lumps could be myofacial pain syndrome
I think there's too many lumps for it to be that thank you though
Hi ScouserA,
Thought I'd ask, are your lumps anywhere near your armpit? Only that I have a painful lump just below my armpit, I visited GP and they seemed baffled because its not in a pea sized shape, anyhow I am awaiting a Ultrasound scan......it is strange because its only on the left side....
Hope you find out what those lumps are ScouserA, let us know how you get on?
Kitty 😺 X
I would immediately be thinking of glands as you mention armpit but benign cysts are very common as well but things like this need checked out as they can be many things.
Hi i have them in my upper arm and now they are across the top of my breast so I've been referred to get the breast checked. I've had armpit lumps but they tend to be swollen lymph nodes and they go down, hopefully yours is too. Good luck with your ultrasound.
If you look up my myofascial mentions fibro related, i suffer with fibro and have muscle lumps on arms and thighs very painful like knorred muscles. Hope this helps x
yes, very aware but MPS and fibro are more thought of comorbid or more common in our community that the underlying background rates. But this is not the same as the lumps being part of fibro. As others have pointed out there are other conditions that could be causing these symptoms.
Hi ScouserA, as a fellow Fibro sufferer I too have lumps on arms, thighs and my back. Have done my own research and came across "Dercum's" disease, which presents with painful multiple lipomas and also causes similar symptoms to Fibro. I'm certainly going to discuss this find with my Rheumatologist at next appointment.
Excellent title. One lump or two? Ugh the things we find and have to put up with, huh? For me though, knotty muscles, but not lumps.
So long as they are benign, best to forget about them. Fiddling, poking, checking, rubbing, measuring, will just cause anxiety and pain also. 🙄☹😨
There are any number of folks whose weird lumps and bumps are suddenly painful (and worrying,) on account they keep fiddling with em.😊 Don't be one of those
I have fibromyalgia, Graves’ disease and I never knew there could be a connection. I have lipomas. I had one removed from my neck years ago. I have one on my arm. I had a very large one lower back which was removed 2 years ago. They told me some people are prone to them. But maybe it is connected.
Good morning Scouser A
I have Lupus and fibromyalgia and had very painful lumps developing in both arms a few years ago.I suffered with spasms and could not manage the simplest of tasks, it also affects my sleep and everyday life.
After many visits to the doctor I was sent for a scan, I was finally diagnosed with Dercums disease a couple of years ago.
This is a rare autoimmune disease where multiple lumps keep growing in arms, torso etc. It can cause excruciating pain, numbness and throbbing especially in the cold. They have also started to grow in my legs, I now have an appointment to see a surgeon regarding possible surgery to remove the biggest lump.
I'm sorry your in pain, hope this may be useful to you. Good luck and take care.
Hi, I have suffered with small painful lumps in my fingers, toes and feet and they have appeared to be blood vessels bursting and/or superficial thrombosis which I had a cream for but not sure it did anything... I also suffer with cysts in different areas which is more hormonal but they do occur more in times of stress and any flare ups of fibro. I have. Good luck with it all.
I too have a few lumps in my leg and one in my arm. The leg ones have been dismissed as cysts but I'm going to get a second opinion. I now have found this new arm one, very strange and I've felt unsettled by them. The leg ones cause my whole leg to be unable to move properly sometimes
I have lumps too - in my thigh and arm but I have not been diagnosed with Fibro
Hiya ScouserA , I’m so glad there is someone else who has these painful lumps ( if u get me ) mine hurt like mad & if I bang one of them ….. wow the pain is unreal x I just thought it was down to fybro & just had to deal with it, another thing I find in my arms is a lot of muscle waisted on my for arms , of to see my doctor to see wat he says. Good luck everyone xxx
You should consult a Dermatologist! Sounds like a type of cyst! Be sure the Dr. removes the sacs or they will come back!
I have some lumps too very awkward if you bang them unexpectedly...
My GP is aware of them although I can't always locate them quickly when the Dr is prepared to see me as the ones in my thigh are amongst fatty layers!
She always says don't worry about them they are ganglions like the one that is very noticeable up my arm... but I do worry about them a lot especially as I've had breast cancer!
Not easy to keep peace with these lumps that appear... however, despite my fibro diagnosis I've never made any connection! As I haven't had a review of my fibro I think it will be a question to ask....
Ganglion cysts are found primarily on the back of the hand, wrist & feet! If you have lumps on your thighs, they’re either epidermoid cysts or small lipomas! Have your Dr. refer you to a Dermatologist! If cysts, be sure the Dr. removes the sac or they will return!
Are they calcium deposits by any chance ?
OK! I saw this but might as well put my case in, I have Schwannomatosis NF3 [Neurofibromatosis], I have lumps or schwannomas on my arms, hands, legs and trunk of my body, I do have benign growths under my right arm pits. They grow on my nerve canals, [usually] underneath the skin, hard lumps which can appear in size as half a grain of rice to a walnut size, however after the age of sixty any lumps become gelatinous on the nerves, still there but not as painful? That is my own personal experience as I have had the condition since 14,[1970] now aged 65, I have had three surgical operations. I WOULD love to communicate with ANYBODY with the same condition, NOT NF1 OR NF2! It is an extremely rare condition, I now have my own personal specialist, but have NEVER met ANYBODY with this condition?
I have painful lumps under the skin on my legs the come and go i looked it up and its called Panniculitis but not sure if its connected to fibromyalgia