My friend who comes to see me on thursdays remembered I has mentioned it last week and arrived with her cossie and towel, "C'mon, lets go."
I did about half an hour. Warmed up first with a bit of excercise in the water then swam up and down for twenty minutes taking breaks to breath(well pant) Can only do about half a length at a time at the moment but hoping to get up to speed over next few weeks. My back aches a bit today but not as bad as I had worried about. It DID help the hip to loosen up.
After the swim we came back to mine for lunch and then drove to nearby nature reserve and ambled around in the sunshine for an hour.
By half ten last night I was nearly asleep on my feet and today I don't have many spoons to start the day with bit I think it was worth it.
The friend is a lovely lady I lost touch with for a while but recently we have been re affirming our friendship and it's lovely to have someone from the past as a friend as my friends from locally over the last couple years seem to be staying away in droves. Maybe they are fed up with the fibro. I had invited a load to my book swap evening but no one turned up.
Today I have to wait in for washing machine guy to come. I ball**d up the filter by washing something I should not have and OH cannot get it out so had to call in THE MAN.
OH has client coming to house at 12 so I have to tidy sitting room.
I have to go our later as eldest daughter needs to borrow some money so have to go do bank of Mum transfer.
I need now to get up away from the pc, stretch, crack some bones, wash up, tidy front room, wash up, see the Man, pay the man, go out, get something for dinner, let the dog out, do some ironing, cook the dinner, wash up, . WILL IT ALL GET DONE???/
Spidey makes another coffee, gets some biscuits..puts on BBC i player to listen to PD James....