Had scan to measure womb lining. Consultant said womb lining is good but my fibroid has grown since scan 2 weeks ago. It is now 6cm. He gave me option of freezing Ivf and have fibroid removed or continue Ivf and remove fibroid afterwards. If I continue Ivf the fibroid won't cause problem for Ivf it will just keep growing. If I have it removed them it might bleed meaning I would have to have a hystorectamy. So I said continue treatment. If embryo survive thawing we are looking at Monday for embryo transfer.
Had scan today. Not the best news - Fertility Network UK
Had scan today. Not the best news

Hi. That’s a nuisance for you, but please don’t think you will need a hysterectomy any time soon. Most fibroids are treatable, either with drugs or performing a myomectomy (removal of fibroid). An IVF cycle can be successful with or without a fibroid, so just keep positive. I really do hope all works out well for you. Kind regards Diane.
Thanks diane. They did say that due to size of fibroid it is a 50/50 chance tests why we decided to go ahead with Ivf first. It is hard to keep positive, I know I have to try, its just the waiting and not knowing. Monday will be when we know for sure so all fingers and toes crossed lol.
Hi P,
I'm sorry things are not going so well for you. I will be thinking of you on Monday. Wishing you lots and lots of luck.
Love N
Thank you noper. I am on pins now with all sorts of thoughts going through my head. What to do if it is a negative out come or how happy I would feel if embryo thaws ok. I'm driving myself mad with it lol. How are things going for you?
Hi, I'm 9 weeks pregnant now but struggling a bit with a urine infection, abdo pain antibiotics, so not great, but just hoping everything is okay. First midwife appointment (and next scan) should be in a couple of weeks, so am holding out for that.
Let's hope your embryo thaws well. I know it's a v anxiety-provoking time for you and totally sympathise. I'm a little crazy myself at the moment too (as my husband will definately testify)! But good to hear about how you are doing, and keep us posted.
Hiya noper I am glad everything is going well for you best thing you can do for water infection is drink plenty of water ( as much as you can physically take ) they say cranberry juice is good to. I can't stop thinking will it be positive or negative... couldn't sleep last night and been up since 7am so am tired now but I won't relax until phone call tomorrow lol.
Hope all goes well for you today. X
Thanks piperfan. I haven't slept all night constantly thinking about it. Got all Fingerscrossed.