I am 30 years of age(going to be 31 soon).
We are trying for baby since 2010. First time I conceived on first cycle but miscarried in Feb 2011.It was a twin pregnancy.
Tried again in Jan2012 and miscarried in march 2012. This time there was nothing in yorksac. So blighted ovum. I was on duphaston by my Indian Doctor(she didnt order any blood tests till then). After my second miscarriage she ordered a full blood history and found very high levels of AMH indicating PCO. I came back to UK and my PCO was confirmed by my GP after ultrasound. She didnt allow a gynecologist since I was not trying then for 1 year and had 2 know miscarriages . Hence was put on metformin 500 mg thrice(which i couldnot tolerate, so reduce it to twice a day)
Now We are actively trying on all the fertile days and more to fall pregnant from april 2012 without any success. To make a point, I do take tempratures and ovulation kits to pin down fertile days.
What are my options to see a gynecologist in jan2013. I am already suffering a know issue and not able to conceive. Doesn't it make me eligible for a proper treatment?
Many thanks,