Hi as some may know I miscarried on the 8th April I had my second bleed I'm on day 9 testing negative on ovulation test I have been testing twice a day... Is this normal Im not seeing a positive yet? they say you are extra fertile after misscarrige then why don't I have a positive ovulation test yet?? I stopped bleeding on the 4th of may. I'm so worried 😔
22 day cycle when do you get a positi... - Fertility Network UK
22 day cycle when do you get a positive ovulation test?
Hi Eram,
I have shorter cycles, they vary from 22-26 days. I’ve just checked when I was tracking ovulation and on a 22 day cycle, I got a positive opk on day 10 so hang in there and keep testing! X
I never had a 22 day cycle in my life before... So nice to read you got a positive opk. Xx
Hey, I am on a 33 day cycle and i ovulate around day 17 after my period some times it can be day 11 tho depends on what my body feels like ..
You will see that positive ovulation sign soon ❤❤
Hi not sure how useful I am as I've not used ovulation sticks but my normal periods are 22 to 23 days. After complaining about how short my periods are because I feel like I'm always on someone said after pregnancy I might find they become longer..... when I have had blood test to see if I'm ovulating they were done on day 9 and once on day 10
Hi, so was you ovulating? On those days?

I was yes but very low levels
Did they give you anything for it? Or has it gone back to normal?
Are you tracking on an app or anything? What does it say? Even if you are on a shorter cycle if you only stopped bleeding on May 4th you wouldn’t ovulate until next week. If your body is going back to natural cycle possibly not until the end of next week 🤗 try not to worry your body will just be settling. Back down xx
I'm using ovulation calculator and ovulation test strips. Xx

I haven’t used ovulation calculator does it predict when you should ovulate? I found the digital ovulation tests best/easiest (they had them in bulk on eBay at a reasonable price). After my miscarriage in feb everything has settled back down now so hopefully the same for you xx
Yea it predicts when you ovulate. Sorry for your miscarriage. What are the digital tests called? Xx
They ended on not focussing on it as my husband had poor sperm also so we ended up having ivf.
Did you get pregnant with IVF?

I did yes. Because of the poor sperm we has ICSI and it was successful 1st time
Hey there I have a 24 day cycle, which lasts only 4 days. My LH surge usually occurs around days 15-16 and I've even seen on a scan that on day 19 i haven't ovulated but had a lovely big follicle at 22mm. I'm pretty sure I have months I don't ovulate. Although I have experienced on OPKs high hormones for 7 days. Everyone is different and every cycle is different. And just because you get an LH surge on an ovulation stick it doesn't necessarily mean you've ovulated. I was told by my consultant the most reliable method is transvaginal us. Keep going with the sticks 🤞 you get your 🙂 soon xx