Just here for a rant because it tends to make me feel a bit better about things. I've been trying to conceive for a few years. We've done 3 transfers so far. The third transfer I decided to do a double transfer and I fell pregnant with twins. I was told neither had heartbeats the day before my 38th Birthday having been told days earlier that they had heartbeats but were very small for their age. Since then we've been waiting. Everything has run quite smoothly since then, I had a d and c which was successful but I did end up in A and E with unexplained womb pain 3 weeks later (okay, so maybe it's not been that smooth!) and they said that it looked like I had a hydrosalpinx which has since been checked and they are now saying my tube is fine and doesn't need removing. I'm about to begin down regulation to move forward with an egg collection and PGTA testing. I've noticed my mood shifting, getting more annoyed with people when thus far I've been really okay about stuff throughout, generally chilled and optimistic.
Today my sister in law mentioned how she'll be in London a lot over the next few months because she lied about being based in London to get a job and won't be moving until June so now I am thinking I'll be having to cover up doing IVF if she plans to stay with us (as she often does). She hasn't actually asked to stay yet but I'm sensing it. My mother-in-law has cancer at the moment so she'll likely come to "help" when she has treatments but then what tends to happen is that she somehow always ends up in our house. I don't feel like I can say much because she's going through something and our IVF is a secret. So I'll just look like an assh*le if I say she can't stay just because I don't want a flatmate (which I don't, regardless of IVF).
I'm also just dreading all the waiting. I have an easy time with IVF compared to many, I don't have crazy symptoms or mood swings and I have so far responded really well and am hopeful we'll end up with a baby BUT I'm terrible during the two week wait and discovered I am also really anxious when I'm pregnant and find myself constantly googling things. I'm already finding myself just waiting for treatment to begin and counting down the days. So I feel like this is going to be worse than before. I've woke up today and just felt so CBA about everything and I feel really sad today. I read about someone having a miscarriage on Reddit before and just sat there weeping.
I'm also sick to death of someone on my Facebook who has seemingly made her whole personality about how she struggling for "1.5 years" to get pregnant and manifested her baby. I felt like replying "I thought I'd manifested twins and then they both died. I suppose I manifested that miscarriage???" I haven't because I haven't lost my mind entirely. I also now keep going onto her Facebook, viewing her stories and then getting annoyed. Like I know it's going to wind me up and I do it anyway! Until now I've not been the least bit negative and fully believed my twins would live, so for me there's nothing more patronising and ridiculous than someone claiming they manifested a baby when actually all they did was have sex and get lucky.
Anyway, well done if you got this far and I hope this doesn't annoy someone who is in a worse position than me. I do need to just remind myself that it could be worse!!